10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Hello, so due to the merry season of gift giving, I’ll do a free character sketch to the first 10 people who respond to this thread:

*character name
*request of how you want your character to be (please be brief, these are sketches without backgrounds)
*references (best to have in several views ex: front, side, back, side2 if the sides are different)

If you wish to have a more detailed piece (ex: inked, colored full body, colored with background, ect…) please visit my deviantart page for details on how to request a Paypal commission.

Not on deviantart? That’s okay too, you can send me a PM.

Pricing for Paypal commissions: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/275/5/0/commission_prices_and_info_by_aerindarkwater-d5aggyo.jpg

My guidelines: http://aerindarkwater.deviantart.com/journal/Paypal-Commission-UPDATE-NOW-OPEN-D-318413669

And here’s a sample, my main character, Aerin!

Happy Wintersday to one and all!

Free sketches are closed, commissions still open.

Now excepting GW2 gold, prices varry per art piece, but I’m going to est. 1 gold an hour of work. Sketches like the ones here are roughly 2 hours, inked is about 4 hours and color varries between 7-10+ hours. If I hit over 10 hours, it’s a flat fee of 10 gold.

Please PM or email or send a note to my DeviantArt if interested.

:: end edit ::


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

(edited by Aerin Dark Water.6283)

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fsnowzombie.4352


can i like, reserve a spot? bcus if i can i want to post this here, since i cant really take screenshots right now

*character name Laura Knight
*request of how you want your character to be (please be brief, these are sketches without backgrounds)
if possible summoning a spirit sword, or swinging here greatsword
*references (best to have in several views ex: front, side, back, side2 if the sides are different)


(edited by Fsnowzombie.4352)

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kobal.5234


Oooh, gifts! I like gifts!

*character name: Alexzandra Thorne
*request of how you want your character to be: 3/4 view, holding the staff while casting something fiery. The casting part would be awesome but is optional (well, everything is optional since you’re doing it for free, but you get what I mean :P)
*references: Front, Side 1, Side 2, Back.

I’m very excited to see what the result will be. I might actually order a sketch or an ink for another character later on, since I really like what I see on your DA portfolio! =D

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Beet.5768


I love this forum, thank you got the generosity!

Character’s name is Runt Hack, think if Doc Brown from Back to the Future was a Charr – Also he’s a pyromaniac. I trust you to think up something awesome involving a flamethrower and his trademark grin and goggles ~<3


10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: LemnzestManatee.2157


*character name: Aisda Amaethon
*request of how you want your character to be (please be brief, these are sketches without backgrounds): Hmmm you can have creative freedom, but I would like her to be holding her staff. Maybe looking happy as well. She is a very cheerful Mesmer.
*references: In the attachments below


Aisda Amaethon – 80 – Human Mesmer
Reitsuya Kanda – 2x – Human Thief
Aestrid Hlodviskin – 3x – Norn Ranger

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Invertation.4293


References ho!

Character Name: Riisa Tepther
Pose/Concept: Riisa is a reserved, albeit fairly powerful and confident caster type. A few ideas could be amidst an incantation, drawing out some aerial runes, with a spell circle behind her, or perhaps summoning a meteor. More or less playing into the Elementalist nature of the character.
Alternately, for a non-action pose, you may opt to play into her more reserved nature, as she often haunts the priory library, immersed in stacks of books at a time..
References: Armor, Face

If any of this is insufficient, feel free to private message me and I’d be glad to supply more information or references if necessary. Otherwise, I offer full artistic license and free reign on this.

(edited by Invertation.4293)

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kallas Lupus.8370

Kallas Lupus.8370

Hey more free art talent… So I’ll plonk this here to give Fsnowzombie one less on that rather [scary to me] large list.

*character name: Kallas Lupus
*request of how you want your character to be: Holding both his pistols, character seems grim and business like (seriously this guy barely smiled in the ending >.>), pose is up to you. The reference pics is his usual expression.
Included a front shot and a close up of the weaponry. Need anymore just ask.

Edit: I got spell check for xmas it seems… :P


My Bark is worse than my bite, that is until they buff Unload and Pistol whip… :P

(edited by Kallas Lupus.8370)

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Vixelocapra.4328


I would like one!

Name: Aiyana Kes
Sylvari thief who is Quirky, naive and very active. She can be in any pose you think would be fun to draw for someone like that, or if you want i can suggest something like an excited pose or her tripping :P

Link to ref Images



(edited by Vixelocapra.4328)

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Riffian.5908


Human warrior wearing t3 cultural armor, looks like Logan, but with a goatee. wielding Sunrise.
Go nuts on an action pose.

(In game mail sent also)

Riffian – 80 Warrior – Red Guard [RG] – Blacktide

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


*character name: Sharak Iskar
*request of how you want your character to be (please be brief, these are sketches without backgrounds): The only particular detail I would like to request is that you make him look somewhat sincere or in deep thought. He is a Charr with a long and troubled past that currently still haunts him to this day. Oh and make his teeth a bit smaller. I made them a bit too big during character creation, hah. Besides that, you may have freedom over the rest
*references: In the attachments below

Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!


10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Human warrior wearing t3 cultural armor, looks like Logan, but with a goatee. wielding Sunrise.
Go nuts on an action pose.

(In game mail sent also)

I need ref images. And please reframe from in-game mail in the future if you want to contact me since I may not be on in a while to work on these sketches. If you must, please email me: earwenwater@gmail.com. Thanks.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: MadDemon.7548


Well, I might as well add mine assuming I’m not too late (I’m not too late, am I?)

Name: Gerroth Bladesbane
How I want him to look: Ready for battle, possibly with the Spirit Hammer or Tome of Wrath
References are below.

Oh and Thanks!


10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Okay, I’ve got my ten (MadDemon is the last). please give me some time to do these (my goal is one a day and I’m doing them in the order of the posts so if you’re towards the end, please bare with me).
I will be sending the finished pieces by PM, if you want them emailed, please tell me and I’ll emailed them to you.

Merry Christmas/Wintersday/Holiday (take your pick)

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Invertation.4293


You have my gratitude, well in advance, just for taking the time for us peons.

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

can i like, reserve a spot? bcus if i can i want to post this here, since i cant really take screenshots right now

*character name Laura Knight
*request of how you want your character to be (please be brief, these are sketches without backgrounds)
if possible summoning a spirit sword, or swinging here greatsword
*references (best to have in several views ex: front, side, back, side2 if the sides are different)

First one done!
On to the next.


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Also, I just want to be clear, all of the “preview” sketches posted here will be watermarked, but I am sending a clean version to their owners via PM with download link from my dropbox or email attachment.

Just thought I should say that before people get discouraged if they see a big watermark. I only watermark my stuff online to prevent theives, nothing personal to you lovely folks.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Arte.4067


Oh noooo!.. I arrived too late! : ’(

In that case I’ll just say one thing: I love your work!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Oh noooo!.. I arrived too late! : ’(

In that case I’ll just say one thing: I love your work!

Aw… but thanks very much.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Vixelocapra.4328


Your work looks so fantastic! Squee I’m so excited to see everyones

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: LemnzestManatee.2157


Wow I really like the first one! Can’t wait to see how mine turns out!

Aisda Amaethon – 80 – Human Mesmer
Reitsuya Kanda – 2x – Human Thief
Aestrid Hlodviskin – 3x – Norn Ranger

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Oooh, gifts! I like gifts!

*character name: Alexzandra Thorne
*request of how you want your character to be: 3/4 view, holding the staff while casting something fiery. The casting part would be awesome but is optional (well, everything is optional since you’re doing it for free, but you get what I mean :P)
*references: Front, Side 1, Side 2, Back.

I’m very excited to see what the result will be. I might actually order a sketch or an ink for another character later on, since I really like what I see on your DA portfolio! =D

Number 2 is done


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kobal.5234


Awesome! Amazing work!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Thanks Your’s was a lot of fun.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Wow! I really like what you have done thus far Awesome work

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: bluedeltawolf.3759


Hey fnsnowzombie, im loving your art style, i have used your sketches for a few pencil sketch ideas of my own, but i have no means to show you unfortunately. Just assume they’re like yours but not as good haha. Anyway although i can see you have a massive workload i’d really like you to draw my Guardian Norn, her name is Skjaadi and shes a very stong hearted person and would put her life before an innocents anyday. She is like a valkyrie / angel. Id like her drawn with angel wings ( similar to the seraph shield but on both sides, Maybe kneeling and looking at the sky. Thanks very much in advance, If it turns out anything like i think it will ill deffo pay for a full colour commissioned drawing.


10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Riffian.5908


Hey fnsnowzombie, im loving your art style, i have used your sketches for a few pencil sketch ideas of my own, but i have no means to show you unfortunately. Just assume they’re like yours but not as good haha. Anyway although i can see you have a massive workload i’d really like you to draw my Guardian Norn, her name is Skjaadi and shes a very stong hearted person and would put her life before an innocents anyday. She is like a valkyrie / angel. Id like her drawn with angel wings ( similar to the seraph shield but on both sides, Maybe kneeling and looking at the sky. Thanks very much in advance, If it turns out anything like i think it will ill deffo pay for a full colour commissioned drawing.

Hey bud, wrong post, one you want from Fnsnowzombie here! This is Aerin Dark Water’s thread!

Riffian – 80 Warrior – Red Guard [RG] – Blacktide

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Hey fnsnowzombie, im loving your art style, i have used your sketches for a few pencil sketch ideas of my own, but i have no means to show you unfortunately. Just assume they’re like yours but not as good haha. Anyway although i can see you have a massive workload i’d really like you to draw my Guardian Norn, her name is Skjaadi and shes a very stong hearted person and would put her life before an innocents anyday. She is like a valkyrie / angel. Id like her drawn with angel wings ( similar to the seraph shield but on both sides, Maybe kneeling and looking at the sky. Thanks very much in advance, If it turns out anything like i think it will ill deffo pay for a full colour commissioned drawing.

Hey bud, wrong post, one you want from Fnsnowzombie here! This is Aerin Dark Water’s thread!

I’m the artist, this is my thread, and the sketches you see are mine and for the user that owns their character. It’s flattering that my art has inspire you, but please refrain from using my art for yourself, even for posture references, it’s considered stealing.

Secondly, I’m not open to anymore free sketches since I have my 10. You can order a commission if you still would like my to do an art piece for you.

I’m not trying to sound mean or harsh, I’m just correcting your statement and let you be aware using other people’s art is a no no, unless you ask the artist before hand for permission, which I do when using stock images.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Vixelocapra.4328


Woah Awesome work so far!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Woah Awesome work so far!


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Sorry for the delay of work, my cold relasped so I took this day to get some sleep and fight this stupid cold off. Thanks for your patience. Number 3 is half way done (I was too achy to finish it today), so hopefully be tomarrow evening I’ll get it up.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

I love this forum, thank you got the generosity!

Character’s name is Runt Hack, think if Doc Brown from Back to the Future was a Charr – Also he’s a pyromaniac. I trust you to think up something awesome involving a flamethrower and his trademark grin and goggles ~<3

Here’s number three!


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Beet.5768


Awesome, thank you! Hope you’re feeling better from the cold, looking forward to seeing the other pieces too ^^

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kallas Lupus.8370

Kallas Lupus.8370

Nothing beats the cold like an oversized kitty with a flamethrower…even if it’s in the form of a masterpiece.

My Bark is worse than my bite, that is until they buff Unload and Pistol whip… :P

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Nothing beats the cold like an oversized kitty with a flamethrower…even if it’s in the form of a masterpiece.

lol. I am feeling a bit better thanks, a bit of coughing still. Hopefully the rain will stay away a bit longer. Wet+cold=

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlakThornArrow.2389


could you draw mine>??


White Lions Claw , dungeon, Living Story ,
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
(We have Teamspeak and a forum ) join us!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: MadDemon.7548


could you draw mine>??

Sorry, but I think you are too late to request a free sketch, but I think commissions are still up, right?

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: catqeer.1954


are the free sketches still open?

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

are the free sketches still open?

No sorry. My commissions are though, please see the first post for details if interested.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

*character name: Aisda Amaethon
*request of how you want your character to be (please be brief, these are sketches without backgrounds): Hmmm you can have creative freedom, but I would like her to be holding her staff. Maybe looking happy as well. She is a very cheerful Mesmer.
*references: In the attachments below

Yea, another one done!

(sorry it took so long. For some reason my tablet driver stopped and it took me ages to find the CD to reinstall it.)


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: MadDemon.7548


(sorry it took so long. For some reason my tablet driver stopped and it took me ages to find the CD to reinstall it.)

Hey at least the installation time is faster than if you try to use the internet.

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

(sorry it took so long. For some reason my tablet driver stopped and it took me ages to find the CD to reinstall it.)

Hey at least the installation time is faster than if you try to use the internet.

Yea, but the hard part is that my wacom is “out-of-date”, it’s a Cintiq 20 WSX, but it’s their first model, not the new one, so alot of the drivers on the Wacom site for some reason don’t work with mine. So when my driver got corupted or something, I had to find my backup disc to reinstall it. It’s a pain in the butt, luckly it only happens once a year by chance (I think cause sometime it gets loaded wrong, usally a complete shutdown fixes it, but sometimes I need a fully re-install on the Wacom DX ).

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

(edited by Aerin Dark Water.6283)

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Haha, I loved how you did the Charr engineer with that smirk. Fantastic !

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Haha, I loved how you did the Charr engineer with that smirk. Fantastic !

Thanks Beet said he wanted a smirky grin, so I gave it to him
I have to admit though… that it one scaier looking Charr. If I saw him in-game, I’d start running the other way. heehee.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

References ho!

Character Name: Riisa Tepther
Pose/Concept: Riisa is a reserved, albeit fairly powerful and confident caster type. A few ideas could be amidst an incantation, drawing out some aerial runes, with a spell circle behind her, or perhaps summoning a meteor. More or less playing into the Elementalist nature of the character.
Alternately, for a non-action pose, you may opt to play into her more reserved nature, as she often haunts the priory library, immersed in stacks of books at a time..
References: Armor, Face

If any of this is insufficient, feel free to private message me and I’d be glad to supply more information or references if necessary. Otherwise, I offer full artistic license and free reign on this.


On to the next character sketch.


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Sorry for the delay of posting here. I’ve been really busy lately and haven’t been able to sketch. (Working on a job aplication for a comic artist position and they have asked for a few pages and character concepts done before the end of the month so I’m craming my artness for that. So need a job >.< )

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Hey! Good luck with that! By all means, don’t worry about us. Get that job secured!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Back, sorry about that. I’ve gotten back to working on finishing the rest of the remain 5 sketches.

Thanks for you patience.

Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Awesome! Welcome back!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

I would like one!

Name: Aiyana Kes
Sylvari thief who is Quirky, naive and very active. She can be in any pose you think would be fun to draw for someone like that, or if you want i can suggest something like an excited pose or her tripping :P

Link to ref Images



Here’s another upload
(I went a bit out of order, I was stumpped on one of the pictures, but no more I figured out what to do.)
Anyways, when she asked for something quirky, for some reason I kept picturing her character making funny faces.


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!

10 free sketches! (I do commissions too)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Hey more free art talent… So I’ll plonk this here to give Fsnowzombie one less on that rather [scary to me] large list.

*character name: Kallas Lupus
*request of how you want your character to be: Holding both his pistols, character seems grim and business like (seriously this guy barely smiled in the ending >.>), pose is up to you. The reference pics is his usual expression.
Included a front shot and a close up of the weaponry. Need anymore just ask.

Edit: I got spell check for xmas it seems… :P

Here’s another upload.

Very seriously face. lol.


Want an art commission of your character? PM me to find out how! In-game gold art commissions!