31 Days of GW2 Fanart - Suggestions?
I’ve always thought it would be a cool idea to go through the personal story, and draw the important characters/events like a sort of photo journal thing from my character’s perspective. But alas, I have yet to find the time. : /
Anyway, that’s an idea.
Or you could wander around exploring your favorite locations, and draw the scenery.
If your more into drawing characters than locations, drawing important NPCs is an idea. (Destiny’s Edge members, etc.)
You could draw each of the dragons, try to imagine what the Deep Sea Dragon looks like, etc.
And you could always use the character creator to just play with different looks for interesting characters to draw, without actually creating the characters, too.
There’s lots of ideas. I wish you the best of luck. : )
Thanks for the suggestions! I hadn’t even thought about drawing the dragons for some reason. XD