A Mesmer's Journey

A Mesmer's Journey

in Community Creations

Posted by: Decimus.1829


Hey Guys – As a screenshot junkie, I wanted to make a pictorial showing some of my (mis)adventures thusfar in Tyria. These screenshots are just for fun, not to boast, and they include some memorable moments, locations, or sometimes I just dig the lighting or graphics. I have cropped many of them, but no other editing has gone on. In more recent pictures, you might notice I do use the “sweetfx mod”, which works with many dx9 games. I hope to keep this thread going with further adventures, feel free to check back and leave comments – enjoy!

A Mesmer's Journey

in Community Creations

Posted by: Decimus.1829


Oops and one more, “Giant Slayer”


A Mesmer's Journey

in Community Creations

Posted by: Zelkai.3562


Lovely adventures!
-from another screenshot junkie