A traditional drawing of my characters :)

A traditional drawing of my characters :)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sekyria.9857


Hi! Im new to the forum but have played alot. I decided to make a drawing of my characters.
i used black ink for this one.

Let me now if u like it. Im thinking about starting my own commision thread.



A traditional drawing of my characters :)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Silvatar.5379


Looks great! That’s quite the family you have there.

Seeing your picture though makes me think that we don’t see enough art work done in a traditional “dip” pen and black ink style (like this http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/drawing/pen-and-ink-drawings.htm), which I use to experiment with myself, and which I think is a beautiful style. Most people nowadays seem to stick with a digital medium for their artwork which is fine, but its nice to see different styles now and then as well.

Hope to see more!

A traditional drawing of my characters :)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sekyria.9857


Thank you!
Im currently learning how to draw digital paintings, not used to it.

Here is one i did recently
