Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sifu.6527


The recent nerf to the thief and fix of culling forces some thieves to spec near perma stealth. Here’s a video of one owning people in WvW. Enjoy.

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: wish.3102


This video is no where near as good or entertaining as the the previous ones. Thief is a crappy class now and needs buffed. Killing a bunch of uplevels and bads isn’t much of an accomplishment, and that’s all he managed to do in this video.

Jade Quarry. RNG/THF/GRD/WAR

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: style.6173


Wow, a sad state for the class. The guy in the video is a really good thief and still struggles against anyone other than an uplevel. The thief class needs help.

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tribio.8531


What the hell are you all complaining about? Perma-stealth, so the only class that can remain hidden from sight for the remainder of the day, still quite OP in my humble (ranger) opinion..

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Fissure of Woe

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Tribio, they are being sarcastic :P

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


I’ve only watched the first fight and it seems that he was pretty effective considering the odds. The simple fact that you can (almost) permastealth means that having high killing proficiency wouldn’t be balanced.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Post nurf? +1 second onto the revealed state is nowhere near a nurf… Thiefs can still perma-stealth even with the change, so theres no need to pretend your “owning” people.

I really do wish the developers had implemented the change they said was coming for stealth (4 second revealed debuff after every stealth) it would of separated wannabe Thiefs riding on the coattails of stealth, re-stealthing after an engage if it was incorrect from the good Thiefs who know when to engage.

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: Zen.8497


I will start saying that I have a thief among other 4 level 80 characters and I see two problems:
One problem is stomping while invisible which I think is an unintended exploit because it renders the downed state useless. The other problem is the traits shadow embrace and rejuvenation which link stealth with healing and removing conditions as well. There is no other class that can do that, healing and condition removal can be trait linked to each other but stealth is a powerful skill which should stand alone.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


What the hell are you all complaining about? Perma-stealth, so the only class that can remain hidden from sight for the remainder of the day, still quite OP in my humble (ranger) opinion..

If we had 1500 range (or even 1200 range) I’d agree with you. As it is though, we need to get in very close before we can do anything significant. That coupled with the lowest health pool, only medium armour, and necessity to building damage over tank to do anything significant, we are in a bad place. Also you need to play another class over ranger if you’re wanting to make a solid argument vs thief. In wvw, thief is a hard counter to ranger. The only time they aren’t is in pvp (where the thief has significantly less burst and overall damage) and where the ranger goes bunker traps. Thief is almost ranger food in that situation.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


I will start saying that I have a thief among other 4 level 80 characters and I see two problems:
One problem is stomping while invisible which I think is an unintended exploit because it renders the downed state useless. The other problem is the traits shadow embrace and rejuvenation which link stealth with healing and removing conditions as well. There is no other class that can do that, healing and condition removal can be trait linked to each other but stealth is a powerful skill which should stand alone.

Ele – Cleanse condition when attuning to water, heal when attuning to water, heal when dodging when attuned to water, have condition cleanse and healing abilities when attuned to water, gain pretty much all boons when aura’ing, the cantrips traits, etc.

Guardian – Remove a condition with shout (to many around you, also Rune of Soldier), altruistic healing, many many heals and condition removers, I know there’s a lot more but I don’t play guardian so I don’t know them.

Warrior – Shouts heal, shouts remove conditions (Rune of Soldier), banners give regen, I know there’s more but I rarely play warrior.

Necro – Death shroud removes condition, heal in an aoe when leaving death shroud, 9k base heals when using death shroud 4, stability on death shroud, extra health bar on death shroud, wells heal, wells give protection, wells remove conditoins, minions heal, minions remove conditions, etc.

Engi – Turrets, elixirs, and kits… nuff said.

Ranger – Pet takes away conditions, massive water aoe that cleanses conditions… honestly can’t think of anything else, Soldier rune for shouts remove conditions… I mostly just play my thief over all my other classes :p

Mesmer – null field and illusions/phantasms grant regen, summon illusions/phantasms removes conditions, summon illusions/phantasms grant regen.

Now exactly how is thief cleansing a condition when going stealth so super unique that no other class has it? Btw, healing in stealth makes the thief take 30 points into shadow arts which limits their build. Not saying 30 into sa is bad, just that there are better options out there.

Also I lol’d at invis stomping! What a joke that you brought that up, seriously. There’s this thing called stability (that the thief doesn’t have access to outside of 1 elite skill (that you can’t stomp while using and it breaks stealth)) and another called invulnerability (thief also doesn’t have access to this) that make stopping the stomp impossible. Necros, guards (both also get autos that channel though the invis), and a well timed war or engi can all interupt the stomp while we’re invis. Your friends can also come and save you with their aoe cc skills. Vs a war, guard, necro, ele, engi, ranger or mesmer, you CAN NOT POSSIBLY STOP THE STOMP aside from blinking or running away.
Now how is stealth stomping an exploit?

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: Zen.8497


I will start saying that I have a thief among other 4 level 80 characters and I see two problems:
One problem is stomping while invisible which I think is an unintended exploit because it renders the downed state useless. The other problem is the traits shadow embrace and rejuvenation which link stealth with healing and removing conditions as well. There is no other class that can do that, healing and condition removal can be trait linked to each other but stealth is a powerful skill which should stand alone.

Ele – Cleanse condition when attuning to water, heal when attuning to water, heal when dodging when attuned to water, have condition cleanse and healing abilities when attuned to water, gain pretty much all boons when aura’ing, the cantrips traits, etc.

Guardian – Remove a condition with shout (to many around you, also Rune of Soldier), altruistic healing, many many heals and condition removers, I know there’s a lot more but I don’t play guardian so I don’t know them.

Warrior – Shouts heal, shouts remove conditions (Rune of Soldier), banners give regen, I know there’s more but I rarely play warrior.

Necro – Death shroud removes condition, heal in an aoe when leaving death shroud, 9k base heals when using death shroud 4, stability on death shroud, extra health bar on death shroud, wells heal, wells give protection, wells remove conditoins, minions heal, minions remove conditions, etc.

Engi – Turrets, elixirs, and kits… nuff said.

Ranger – Pet takes away conditions, massive water aoe that cleanses conditions… honestly can’t think of anything else, Soldier rune for shouts remove conditions… I mostly just play my thief over all my other classes :p

Mesmer – null field and illusions/phantasms grant regen, summon illusions/phantasms removes conditions, summon illusions/phantasms grant regen.

Now exactly how is thief cleansing a condition when going stealth so super unique that no other class has it? Btw, healing in stealth makes the thief take 30 points into shadow arts which limits their build. Not saying 30 into sa is bad, just that there are better options out there.

Also I lol’d at invis stomping! What a joke that you brought that up, seriously. There’s this thing called stability (that the thief doesn’t have access to outside of 1 elite skill (that you can’t stomp while using and it breaks stealth)) and another called invulnerability (thief also doesn’t have access to this) that make stopping the stomp impossible. Necros, guards (both also get autos that channel though the invis), and a well timed war or engi can all interupt the stomp while we’re invis. Your friends can also come and save you with their aoe cc skills. Vs a war, guard, necro, ele, engi, ranger or mesmer, you CAN NOT POSSIBLY STOP THE STOMP aside from blinking or running away.
Now how is stealth stomping an exploit?

Please pay attention and read my post carefully. I said that healing can be traited with condition removal on all classes and that is fine, stealth is powerful enough as it is and it should be not linked with the 2. All the other classes that have stealth do not have the healing and removal conditions while stealthing. It is laughable because the thieves spend more time stealthed than anything else. How would you like all the other classes to regenerate and remove conditions (every 3s) solely as a bonus for not being stealthed?
Stomping while invisible is an exploit because it negates the downed state if that wasn’t the case all the classes would be able to do the same thing and the downed skills that require a target would be removed from game.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

(edited by Zen.8497)

Awesome New Thief Video Post Nerf

in Community Creations

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Please pay attention and read my post carefully. I said that healing can be traited with condition removal on all classes and that is fine, stealth is powerful enough as it is and it should be not linked with the 2. All the other classes that have stealth do not have the healing and removal conditions while stealthing. It is laughable because the thieves spend more time stealthed than anything else. How would you like all the other classes to regenerate and remove conditions (every 3s) solely as a bonus for not being stealthed?
Stomping while invisible is an exploit because it negates the downed state if that wasn’t the case all the classes would be able to do the same thing and the downed skills that require a target would be removed from game.

In your 1st paragraph you just explained all d/d eles, all in kit engis and all necros. In your 2nd then by that logic engis elixir s, ele mist form, mesmer f4, and all aegis should be removed from the game just because it makes downed skills not be able to do anything to the non-downed opponent.

Just because you can’t see the thief doesn’t make them invulnerable, they still eat all the damage you are throwing out there. Don’t see the problem.

Now please read all the points in my post and take a good long look at the other classes before you look at 1 class’s mechanic and rush to the nerf logic just because other classes can’t utilize it as well.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)