Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

This is something I have been pondering on for a great length of time and honestly, I wonder why no one has of yet done this for the Guild Wars 2 community. So if you play League of Legends you will know about Nika Harper (Nikasaur) and her amazingly successful and inspiring summoner showcase on the Riot Games YouTube channel. (

“The Summoner Showcase, formally known as the Summoner Spotlight, is a series on League of Legends which displays the many talents from the players of the LoL community.”

This showcase displays fan creations ranging from songs to plushies and even clay models. Summoners will submit there creations to the summoner showcase email address where Nika then picks her favourites, writes the script and films the Showcases. They really bring the community together and let the amazing fan works of the LoL game community shine. Nika’s fun loving personality really makes the video’s shine and it has become a bi-weekly ritual for a lot of the LoL community.

Personally, I really feel like somebody should be doing this for the GW2 community and if I had my pick it would be Kate from the SheGeekShow, ( I love her style and knowledge of games in general and to top it off she is the Web/UX lead at ArenaNet. YouTuber and Arena Net employee, could that be any more perfect?

Nevertheless, Kate sadly hasn’t made video’s for a long time due to being busy with work however, I will show her this forum post in the hopes that she may want to get involved or give some suggestions to make it that little bit extra special. Regardless this is something I feel strongly about and would love to be involved in, so i am stepping up. The shows will be located on my youtube at: (

Therefore, I would really like to create something from the inspiration that Nika and Kate have given me and have a GW2 related showcase. So i bring you the ‘Bookah Broadcast’. As well as fan art and creations I would really like to showcase anything GW2 community related from videos, guilds, awesome websites, PvP tournaments, you name it we can showcase it. This being a community wide show that doesn’t just involve artistic talent.

This is where you guys come in, are you an artist, singer, songwriter, rapper, pvp pr0, sculptor, dancer, knitter (You name it you could probably relate it to Guild Wars 2) and would want your works featured in a video each week displaying the best of the community? Do you make YouTube video’s and would love people to see them?

Then send them to for a chance to be featured in one of the upcoming episodes, be sure to include links to where your community related content is and also the name you would like to be referred to when discussing your submission.

Please, all the feedback, suggestions hints and tips as well as help and guidance you wonderful people could give me the better this will be in the long run. I really want to create this with the best production quality possible and with some really great content that will inspire more people in the community to share their creations on-line.

Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to your responses.


Official Intro Music:

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Episode #1 Quaggan’s Cosplay to Charr Electro Comics!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Episode #2 The Quaggan Cake Is A Lie!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Bookah Broadcast – #3 Animal Photobombs Are A Thing!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Bookah Broadcast – #4 Quaggan T-shirts Make Freelancer Rap!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3