Create your own Living Story patch; A game!

Create your own Living Story patch; A game!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Vodac.9742


I recently posted this game as a question on a youtube channel/podcast I really enjoy. I liked the idea of it and thought I would also post it here and see what idea came out of it. Hope this creates an interesting topic!

Create your own living story patch:

Arena Net just gave of YOU control of your own living story development team! Congratulations! Within the time limit of the next few weeks you must design your own patch (I believe the LS rotation is between 6-8 weeks). You have full creative liberty over the content of your patch. What will be the main theme of your patch? What story/lore will you develop or introduce? What features will you create? What changes will you make to game mechanics/skills/powers/classes? How will you promote the patch? Will your patch satisfy your own needs or the needs of the community as a whole?

Completely plan out a roadmap/summary of your patch.

Try to limit yourself to the amount of content you have seen in LS patches before.
Good luck!

Create your own Living Story patch; A game!

in Community Creations

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Shut it down.

Recreate DG team.

Create new permanent tangible (not “Press F 150 times”) content.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Create your own Living Story patch; A game!

in Community Creations

Posted by: xephire.8324


Living story patch notes:
There will be no more living story ever.

Create your own Living Story patch; A game!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Darkorical.9213


First I want to say I love this idea for a creative thread
2nd I hate the first two responses and hope this doesn’t devolve into a discussion about weather or not we should have living story …
3rd. I’m drawing a blank on LS ideas Ill come back later

Create your own Living Story patch; A game!

in Community Creations

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


I made a similar thread a while back and got no response. So don’t keep your hopes high. T_T

Anyways I will play this with that group I created above: Erinyes

Act 1:

Caudecus and his rebels joins up with the Separatists, White Mantle and Mursaats, to try to overthrow Queen Jennah and reestablish White Mantle rule. The combined rebel forces, lead by their new advanced jade armor scores victory after victory. People of GW2 have no defense against spectral agony since they don’t have Seer infused armor.

The player’s mission was to delay the rebel advance by 20 minutes to allow civilians to escape.

The rebels pushed into Divinity’s Reach. Desperate the players scoring some victories against the human rebels, they got to retreat each time they see Jade Armors with Spectral Agony. That skill is pretty much one hit kill.

Finally the rebels push into the throne room. All seems lost.

The Erinyes came to save the day. These hundreds of years old mages and warriors all have infused armors and beat back the Jade Armors. “Just like old times” they said.

Introduction: (crowds running away, heros stand their ground, you get the idea)

After a brief conversation, Erinyes leaves. Livia, Eve, Evennia and Anise left with them.

Act 2) The war against the Mursaats, Scarlet and Elder Dragons continues. The Erinyes would come back to assist the players here and there in desperate battles. Logan is on his personal hunt for truth behind the Erinyes.

Act 3) The Canthan empire (or Joko) began their attack against Kryta. The players once again got new allies, call Angels. It is known that they are allied with the Erinyes. The Angels and Erinyes would both assist the players in missions from time to time.

But there are hints and indication that the Angels, desperate Abby’s intentions, do not see themselves as humans. What does it really mean to be human?

Act 4) Logan discovers the secret lair of the Erinyes. He found out that the Erinyes indeed abduct child villagers. The reason they last this long is because they transfer their spirit from their old body to a new body every 50 years.

They were also abducting pregnant women from the bethels, for unknown reasons at the time.

Logan: “How can you do this?”
Livia: “Simple. If we do not sacrifice these few childs, a lot more people would have died. You saw how powerless you were in the fight against the rebels. Your ancestor, Gwen, refused to join us. So her power now lies in her grave. What a waste of talent.”
Logan: “She knew? Why didn’t she stop you or say anything?”
Livia: “Child, the world is not as black and white as you think it is. Gwen didn’t agree with us. But she also admitted that we weren’t wrong.”
Logan: “No! You are lying!”
Livia: “We are not so different, you and us. You sacrificed Snaff to save Queen Jennah, because she is indeed more important. We sacrificed a few children to save the whole humanity. Join us Logan, and we will defend humanity together.”
Logan: “No that was different. I didn’t know Snaff was going to die.”
Livia: “So if you knew beforehand that Snaff will die, will you let Queen Jennah die?”
Logan: “I….I….don’t know.”

The players also meet Abby for the first time. She was introduced as the creator of Angels. “I only want to defend humanity, nothing more.” she said. Logan and the players departed after a brief conversation.

Act 5) The human towns came under attack from the Angels. The Erinyes, for the first time, ask the players for help. The players has gotten much stronger since Act 1.

It was later discovered that they rebelled against Abby and the Erinyes. They want to rule supreme over all humans.

Abby: “You are all humans. You are born to defend humanity. Why would you now attack humans?”
Angel: “Looking like humans does not make us humans. Look mother. We are so much stronger than they are. And the strong should rule over the weak. That’s what humans had been doing for generations. They would kill each other over greed and power. For now, we should rule supreme over them to ensure future peace. And eventually all of humanity will become like us. We are what humanity was destined to become since the time of the gods. And with this power humanity would rule over other races.”
Abby: “No! I will stop all of you!”
Angel: “You have Abbadon’s knowledge and part of his power, but none of his memory. That’s why you are ignorant. We did our research, and this is what Abbadon would have wanted. He is our true father. You cannot stop us.”

Abby was seriously wounded, but saved by the players and Erinyes.

And so the Human-Angel war begins.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

Create your own Living Story patch; A game!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Vodac.9742


For some reason this was moved to the fan generated content page….thought it would atleast get to the living story discussion subforum….

I mostly wanted this to be a discussion based topic rather than a creative roleplay one. Of course I was hoping that players could be creative in their possible story telling…the point was to allow a place where players and maybe dev members could see the overall theme of what players want in their living story players. Hoping to allow players to put forth the content they want to see in the form of a structured game….rather than a blob of complaints. Not saying there’s anything wrong this this forum or that this topic isn’t “worthy” of it….its just this particular area isn’t where the usual forum crawler goes to discuss game mechanics and make suggestions. Seems the mods focused too much on the storytelling bit and less on the proposal of game mechanics.

Sent in a message contesting the move in hopes of at least getting this to the Living Story main discussion area.

(edited by Vodac.9742)