Edus' workday doodles 9
Last night was the first time I saw any of these on a full sized screen. If today’s looks as horrible as the rest, then this might be my last. Thanks again to the community for taking the time to look at my lil doodles. Included here, is a shot to reference the actual size of the pics. They don’t blow up well.
Daw, you don’t need to stop posting them because of that. If you enjoy sharing your art then share them. Pretty impressive drawings you have going considering they are done on your lunch break…’d take me a few years to get a drawing to look like that :P.
Yeah keep posting! Are you taking the photos with a phone? if So what model?
[VLK] Valkyria Immortalis
Henge of Denravi
Well its not like I’d be rage quitting or anything! Of course I’ll still post, I just prefer to post better quality. We’re always our own worst critics ya know. I’ll see how they come out on the scanner tonight before I make any decisions. Thanks for the encouragement though! I love feedback!
That’s just in your head, those doodles look great – also they are called doodles, right?
Slight criticism though, next time we need to see a doughnut on the table and the coffee has to be black. Unless gasp it’s not even coffee!
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”