Eveningstar Commissions
Hey, this is my character Jelly Laurel, she’s a very bubbly and outgoing sylvari ranger. She wields a longbow & greatsword and has a pig as a pet
I’d love to see your take on her, it’s very sweet that you’re drawing characters for free ^^
Very impressive work! l would love to throw my character here. This is Sharak Iskar, Charr engineer. The only particular detail I would like to request( if possible) is that you make him look somewhat sincere or in deep thought. He is a thoughtful older Charr that has grown very wise over the years. Besides that, anything else is up to your awesome artist abilities.
Thank you in advance!
I Like it ! I like your style and you are quite quick!
Regarding my char, well, i like it a bunch! but there is a tiny little detail that you should have in mind for silvari draws.
Since she is a silvari and you draw her in the dark, you should know that some parts of her body (face, eyes..) have a natural glow, but that’s my fault too since i didnt provide any pic of her face in the dark.
Take this as an advice for silvari comissions and keep going
Ah, you’re right! I was so wrapped up with the whole “assasing theme” I tottaly forgot… And I main a sylvari!
If you don’t mind sending a pic of her glow, I’d be willing to add it in.
Sure! I’ve made some on Lion’s Arch. There you are.
I Like it ! I like your style and you are quite quick!
Regarding my char, well, i like it a bunch! but there is a tiny little detail that you should have in mind for silvari draws.Since she is a silvari and you draw her in the dark, you should know that some parts of her body (face, eyes..) have a natural glow, but that’s my fault too since i didnt provide any pic of her face in the dark.
Take this as an advice for silvari comissions and keep goingAh, you’re right! I was so wrapped up with the whole “assasing theme” I tottaly forgot… And I main a sylvari!
If you don’t mind sending a pic of her glow, I’d be willing to add it in.On the side note:
DragoTheWise.7256: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/157/a/6/dragothewise_by_moondropstar-d6827f8.png(I tried making the expressions you asked for. No idea if it’s accuarate. ^^;)
Thank you so much for doing this! He looks great
I love it!!! The combination of cute girls and angry pigs is best Thank you so much for the drawing, it made my day!
first of all: i love your work!
secondly: are you still open for commissions? almost a month ago >_<
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
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