FREE drawings (and comissions too!)
i thought you were already past that thanks to the many awesome drawings you made XD
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
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Wow these look great~ and it looks like you have quite a task ahead of you! @ u@ Good luck man, you’re awesome for doing these for people! (Someone should draw your character since you’re so generous~ lol. Do you have refs? ;3 )
I only wanted to jump in to say I love the drawings you made c:
They’re so amazing ;~~~~;
Just a suggestion to ya Fsnow:
Why not make a “to-do” list on your first post? Would help you keep track of all the request and people wouldn’t worry about “Oh he forgot me…” Not saying you have to, but I would do it, just for organization’s sake.
Just a suggestion to ya Fsnow:
Why not make a “to-do” list on your first post? Would help you keep track of all the request and people wouldn’t worry about “Oh he forgot me…”Not saying you have to, but I would do it, just for organization’s sake.
i may, but i dont really think i will to be honest, because im still like, 2 months ago in terms of posts right? so some ppl may not be even checking the forums anymore xD, so if i skip somebody that doesnt even care anymore, there is no real problem, if i skip somebody that actually checks here from time to time, no problem i will draw theirs next absolutely with no complains, and even maybe give them something more than a sketch like i did previously, yknow as a sorry, i dont have any problems with that
Wow these look great~ and it looks like you have quite a task ahead of you! @ u@ Good luck man, you’re awesome for doing these for people! (Someone should draw your character since you’re so generous~ lol. Do you have refs? ;3 )
of course i have (and im totally taking this as an oportunity to post them and see if anybody wants to draw one of my chars )
Just a suggestion to ya Fsnow:
Why not make a “to-do” list on your first post? Would help you keep track of all the request and people wouldn’t worry about “Oh he forgot me…”Not saying you have to, but I would do it, just for organization’s sake.
i may, but i dont really think i will to be honest, because im still like, 2 months ago in terms of posts right? so some ppl may not be even checking the forums anymore xD, so if i skip somebody that doesnt even care anymore, there is no real problem, if i skip somebody that actually checks here from time to time, no problem i will draw theirs next absolutely with no complains, and even maybe give them something more than a sketch like i did previously, yknow as a sorry, i dont have any problems with that
Yeah, makes sense since you have quite a work log. Anyways, can’t wait to see the ones you crank out next Don’t work too hard, enjoy your holidays.
Wow! I’m really impressed by these. It’s such a great way to brush up on your artistic abilities while getting the pleasure of people’s reactions.
It would be amazing if you could attempt at my magnificent Guardian, Velite!
here you go
yours was one of my favs so far O:
This one is my favorite so far! I loved the added lightsaber haha
Dudebro, your stuff continues to amaze me!
Keep it up!
Glorious, generous artist! I present to you, the amazing, the incredible, the GENIUS..!
Runt Hack! Master inventor of all things that go tick, tock then BOOM and FWOOSH. Armed with his trusty flamethrower and backup Charrzooka, he’ll gladly strike a pose to explode your heart <3
Perhaps have some practice with action shots, poses, or just something silly~
Your drawings are so cool! I would love to get one of my condition mesmer, whenever you have a chance.
Edit: Added an additional picture.
Reitsuya Kanda – 2x – Human Thief
Aestrid Hlodviskin – 3x – Norn Ranger
(edited by LemnzestManatee.2157)
Your drawings are so cool! I would love to get one of my condition mesmer, whenever you have a chance.
is that a staff o.O? looks awesome
>w> lurks Just looking at the art and drooling still.
Your drawings are so cool! I would love to get one of my condition mesmer, whenever you have a chance.
is that a staff o.O? looks awesome
Yep! It’s the Peacemaker’s Staff, from the T3 Asura cultural vendor in Rata Sum. It was 63k karma.
I love the Peacemaker’s weapons. They glow such a pretty pinkish-purple color.
Reitsuya Kanda – 2x – Human Thief
Aestrid Hlodviskin – 3x – Norn Ranger
These are absolutely stunning.
You have quite a talent, Fsnowzombie.
If you would be so kind as to draw my character, when my turn comes of course, I’d greatly appreciate it. If you could depict him as a dark character, then that would be even better.
80 R | 80 W | 80 G | 80 E | 80 M | 80 E | 80 N | 80 T
- Tarnished Coast Server
Wow Theses are Amazing I going to put Lilith aglais up in hopes you will draw her , i have put alot of effort into her gear hoping to go for falling angel look
I would love for you to draw hereit will be my new picture for everythng lool
hope you like it!
Now all girls who are going to do cosplay, cosplay BiscaWolf’s character please Great work once again Fsnow!
My character is halfway through page 3, so I assume you havent started working on it yet – would you mind if I update it with its current looks ?
My character is halfway through page 3, so I assume you havent started working on it yet – would you mind if I update it with its current looks ?
feel free to, i honestly dont think ill get into page 3 super soon
My character is halfway through page 3, so I assume you havent started working on it yet – would you mind if I update it with its current looks ?
feel free to, i honestly dont think ill get into page 3 super soon
Awesome, thanks.
Hey! I love the work you do on here and from looking through your art over the past couple of months I can see you improving over time. My friend and I would love to have one of your commissions for each of us (colored, but with no background at all). He’d like one of his warrior, Doof Lundgren, with his mini pet raccoon Rocket also in the picture. In his picture he’d also like him to be shown with the Legendary hammer The Juggernaut. He’d prefer NOT to have the metallic look on his armor in the picture. The Juggernaut also splashes quicksilver when you use it. The splashes would be great in the picture, though, as they look cool as heck. He really likes his armor colors, so keeping them as close to what he has would be awesome.
I’d also like a picture (also colored but with a solid white background) of my thief Dooferella and my mini pet Mr. Pea Tear Griffon. I’d also like to be shown with the Legendary shortbow The Dreamer (possibly shooting the rainbows would be cool if you could). While I do like my armor colors, I’m very fond of pink/white/rainbow color schemes and I’m super girly. So feel free to take liberties with my armor coloring. Also my armor is texture heavy, so feel free to flatten it out if you need to, if it makes it look better to you.
So just to elaborate this will be two -seperate- pictures so we’ll pay you for two commissions. I apologize for not being able to send you the pictures of the weapons on us, but we’re both a little shy of the karma to craft them and we wanted you to have plenty of time to get them done before you’re back to homework and all that mess. I love seeing how you envision people’s characters and put it into art so I can’t wait to see what you come up with for us.
PS: Sign the pictures for us!
(edited by Flirty Nerd.6407)
Hi there! I’ve been following this thread for a time and finally i decided to jump and show you my main char and stay on the queue.
Well there she is. My silvari, Jade Arkadian. She is a thief and she usually uses knives and short bow as weapons. She is good in jumping puzzles and she enjoys killing prancing around human cities.
Here are some screenies.
Wow! I love these drawings, hopefully you can manage my asura engineer? =3
He is a very loyal and kind, but has a bad side when he gets angryEDIT: Just added a second picture of what he looks like now. Don’t worry if you’ve already drawn the other picture.
here you go!
Awesome work so far!
I am wishing you a merry christmas
Maybe i’ll commission you on DA when i have money again..
Wow! I love these drawings, hopefully you can manage my asura engineer? =3
He is a very loyal and kind, but has a bad side when he gets angryEDIT: Just added a second picture of what he looks like now. Don’t worry if you’ve already drawn the other picture.
here you go!
He.. looks… AWESOME! Thanks so much your art is amazing
He.. looks… AWESOME! Thanks so much your art is amazing
Wow! I love these drawings, hopefully you can manage my asura engineer? =3
He is a very loyal and kind, but has a bad side when he gets angryEDIT: Just added a second picture of what he looks like now. Don’t worry if you’ve already drawn the other picture.
here you go!
love this pose!!!
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
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I hate to bother you when you’re already so obviously swamped. But i’ll be honest with you i just can’t resist. The temptation of having a sketched version of my little thief;3
Just wanted to thank you for doing this for us, really appreciate it, and you do it so well aswell! Thanks again!^^
Hey! I love the work you do on here and from looking through your art over the past couple of months I can see you improving over time. My friend and I would love to have one of your commissions for each of us (colored, but with no background at all). He’d like one of his warrior, Doof Lundgren, with his mini pet raccoon Rocket also in the picture. In his picture he’d also like him to be shown with the Legendary hammer The Juggernaut. He’d prefer NOT to have the metallic look on his armor in the picture. The Juggernaut also splashes quicksilver when you use it. The splashes would be great in the picture, though, as they look cool as heck. He really likes his armor colors, so keeping them as close to what he has would be awesome.
I’d also like a picture (also colored but with a solid white background) of my thief Dooferella and my mini pet Mr. Pea Tear Griffon. I’d also like to be shown with the Legendary shortbow The Dreamer (possibly shooting the rainbows would be cool if you could
). While I do like my armor colors, I’m very fond of pink/white/rainbow color schemes and I’m super girly. So feel free to take liberties with my armor coloring. Also my armor is texture heavy, so feel free to flatten it out if you need to, if it makes it look better to you.
So just to elaborate this will be two -seperate- pictures so we’ll pay you for two commissions. I apologize for not being able to send you the pictures of the weapons on us, but we’re both a little shy of the karma to craft them and we wanted you to have plenty of time to get them done before you’re back to homework and all that mess. I love seeing how you envision people’s characters and put it into art so I can’t wait to see what you come up with for us.
PS: Sign the pictures for us!
part one of her comission
Hey! I love the work you do on here and from looking through your art over the past couple of months I can see you improving over time. My friend and I would love to have one of your commissions for each of us (colored, but with no background at all). He’d like one of his warrior, Doof Lundgren, with his mini pet raccoon Rocket also in the picture. In his picture he’d also like him to be shown with the Legendary hammer The Juggernaut. He’d prefer NOT to have the metallic look on his armor in the picture. The Juggernaut also splashes quicksilver when you use it. The splashes would be great in the picture, though, as they look cool as heck. He really likes his armor colors, so keeping them as close to what he has would be awesome.
I’d also like a picture (also colored but with a solid white background) of my thief Dooferella and my mini pet Mr. Pea Tear Griffon. I’d also like to be shown with the Legendary shortbow The Dreamer (possibly shooting the rainbows would be cool if you could
). While I do like my armor colors, I’m very fond of pink/white/rainbow color schemes and I’m super girly. So feel free to take liberties with my armor coloring. Also my armor is texture heavy, so feel free to flatten it out if you need to, if it makes it look better to you.
So just to elaborate this will be two -seperate- pictures so we’ll pay you for two commissions. I apologize for not being able to send you the pictures of the weapons on us, but we’re both a little shy of the karma to craft them and we wanted you to have plenty of time to get them done before you’re back to homework and all that mess. I love seeing how you envision people’s characters and put it into art so I can’t wait to see what you come up with for us.
PS: Sign the pictures for us!
part one of her comission
Omg he absolutely loves the picture. I can’t wait to see what you do with mine.
I would love to have a beautiful drawing for my asura!
I really hope you can make one, because you are a real talent!
that colored one is awesome!!!!!
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
(We have Teamspeak and a forum ) join us!
Hey! I love the work you do on here and from looking through your art over the past couple of months I can see you improving over time. My friend and I would love to have one of your commissions for each of us (colored, but with no background at all). He’d like one of his warrior, Doof Lundgren, with his mini pet raccoon Rocket also in the picture. In his picture he’d also like him to be shown with the Legendary hammer The Juggernaut. He’d prefer NOT to have the metallic look on his armor in the picture. The Juggernaut also splashes quicksilver when you use it. The splashes would be great in the picture, though, as they look cool as heck. He really likes his armor colors, so keeping them as close to what he has would be awesome.
I’d also like a picture (also colored but with a solid white background) of my thief Dooferella and my mini pet Mr. Pea Tear Griffon. I’d also like to be shown with the Legendary shortbow The Dreamer (possibly shooting the rainbows would be cool if you could
). While I do like my armor colors, I’m very fond of pink/white/rainbow color schemes and I’m super girly. So feel free to take liberties with my armor coloring. Also my armor is texture heavy, so feel free to flatten it out if you need to, if it makes it look better to you.
So just to elaborate this will be two -seperate- pictures so we’ll pay you for two commissions. I apologize for not being able to send you the pictures of the weapons on us, but we’re both a little shy of the karma to craft them and we wanted you to have plenty of time to get them done before you’re back to homework and all that mess. I love seeing how you envision people’s characters and put it into art so I can’t wait to see what you come up with for us.
PS: Sign the pictures for us!
aaand part 2 of the comission, back to the sketches!
(unless somebody comissions me ;D)
I absolutely ADORE it! I can’t thank you enough. I made it the background on my PC! lol I also finished The Dreamer today finally, and it looks exactly like your drawing. xD Gonna show this off to everyone.. >_>
when you start making mine! could you color it please???
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
(We have Teamspeak and a forum ) join us!
when you start making mine! could you color it please???
well i colored these ones because they where comissions not requests, if you did a request you will get a sketch like everybody else (: if you make a comission you go to the top of the list and can have yours colored
I may have to change my request to a commission… I’ll have to think about it.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Mind = Blown.
Those drawings for a commission are absolutely incredible.
Fsnowzombie, if you aren’t already, I highly recommend trying to get some of your work published. I have no idea how one would go about doing that, but this stuff is too good to be limited to a gaming forum.
80 R | 80 W | 80 G | 80 E | 80 M | 80 E | 80 N | 80 T
- Tarnished Coast Server
I would like another one of my characters to be sketched if possible in the future:
choose the preview or the cultural armor please!
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
(We have Teamspeak and a forum ) join us!
Wow, they look even better in color!
Hi there. You are doing an awesome job with these sketches. This thread is one of the best ideas I’ve seen in a while. I hope you wouldn’t mind doing one for my Norn engineer?
Preferably with the flamethrower packed and that crazy look in his eyes, that says “I’m gonna go medieval on you!”, but I give you artistic freedom.
(edited by BuddhaKeks.4857)
nice drawings, I like your art style.
I suppose I’ll bite..
here you go
happy new year everybody!, ill explain why i didnt do shiet this weekend
i bought the walking dead game aaaaaand…. thats basically it xP
But i should be uploading 1 or 2 more in the next few hours, maybe 3 if im feeling good.
Also i decided ill put my signature in all of them from now on because to be quite honest i recently created it for the comissions i was asked in this page i think, they wanted a sign and i didnt really have one but now that i have one i freaking love it so, yeah like it or not it will be in the next sketches, bcus i love it and i need to practice it so i can do it faster
Can you make my necro ?
I love the way you paint. thanks and goodluck ;d
hope you like it
I would like to commission a piece of art from you, so I’ve deleted my free request. This will be of my one character Keldred, a Sylvari Mesmer. I’d like to have him in the armor set (and colors, if possible) pictured – I’m a bit shy of the tokens needed for the rest of it. I’d like the picture to have a white background like the other commissions in this thread. Keldred is very flamboyant, so please have him dancing with the signature fuchsia Mesmer butterflies all around him. He’s always happy, so he should look like he’s enjoying himself. =p
If you need more/better pictures or information, please let me know! I’ll oblige. I’m really excited to see what you do with it. =D
P.S. If it’s not a bother, could you also upload the picture before it’s colored? Sometimes I like to color things for fun. Also, take as much time on this as you need! I’m in no hurry.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Your art is so amazing! I totally admire you as an artist
Holy kitten, those are amazing! You’re very talented!
If you have the time, here’s my thief.
hope you like it
Holy kitten, those are amazing! You’re very talented!
If you have the time, here’s my thief.hope you like it
That’s great! Thank you very much! Love it!
Aureus Knights [AKS]
Charr Thief ~ Maguuma
I just wanna say I do LOVE your signature. =P Really hope some of these people jump on your commissions because they don’t know what they’re missing if they dont.
Wow… well.. never had a drawing done of my character, but always wanted such!
He may look like your typical kitten Norn killing machine! But just picture a cheery proud smile on his face and a mug of ale in his hand!
(edited by Khorthall.1682)