(edited by Moderator)
FREE drawings (and comissions too!)
Could you sketch my Asura, I love the way you give each sketch
personality as mine would be extremely proud and pompous..perhaps a drug dealer on the side who knows
Could you sketch my Asura, I love the way you give each sketch
personality as mine would be extremely proud and pompous..perhaps a drug dealer on the side who knowshttp://i50.tinypic.com/21acuxf.jpg
could you attach the images to your post? it makes it easier for me when im scrolling down the pettitions to see a big square with the character you want drawn than a link
already had the accident that i passed someone and i dont want it to happen again (:
Quick announcment/update/thingy: i dont think ill be able to draw this weekend so i think i will continue on monday with the sketches looking forward to actually be able to do something when i finish my homework
Hi, I love the style of your work and have actually been trying to log in to post since your first sketch (curse ye, ANet for broken forums!)… finally managed to get it working by logging on from my phone first, go figure.
Attached is Ambera, an Asura Engineer!
Equipment of choice is pistol and shield, accompanied by her ever-so-loved turrets.
I was trying for a perpetually sleepy look though I think I only managed a flat/bored expression…
(And if feet are visible… please cover the toes. =P)
Oh do my Asura elementalist!
here you go
it was my first time drawing an asura i hope you still like it even if it looks nothing like the picture >:
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it. The expression is hilarious Thank you so much!
These are great! I always admired people who could draw and would like on of my thief.
:D hope you like it
Wow! I love your sketches! Please, please sketch my Lovisa, she is very dear to me
Thank you so much!!
Nice work Fsnowzombie i wonder what graphic table do you use i always wanted to get one myself but was put off by the cost of some of them, do you know of a good entry level one. In the mean time here are some pics 8)
here you go :D
i didnt knew what to do for the alt version xD so i added more pirate stuff
Love the bird— the little line under its eye looks like it’s kind of freaked out. =P
Phew, you’re on a roll tonight.
Hmm … this is good work indeed. Now I’ve never asked for art before, so this will be my first, but perhaps I could give you a little challenge with my main here: Grim Jagerkin? I’ve made one screen up close to the face to see the tusks and details and then others in various poses you could try. I personally like the rifle check one.
These drawings are great! I’d love to see your take on Houjuu. She’s an Asuran Engineer that tends to use a chemical sprayer (Elixer Gun).
Tarnished Coast
Pls, pls, pls! She’s ranger with LB and cute teddy named Haribo
I can’t wait for mine!
This is My current Favorite picture of my Character, Maybe you could draw it?
Aurora Glade – [RDDT]
Really amazing sketches! They’re full of character I really like the expressions and poses you do.
Very cool that you are doing people’s characters for free. You should be earning real life Karma for it I’m looking forward to seeing more!
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
This is My current Favorite picture of my Character, Maybe you could draw it?
thats the heritage armor right? from the GW1 rewards?
These drawings are great! I’d love to see your take on Houjuu. She’s an Asuran Engineer that tends to use a chemical sprayer (Elixer Gun).
O: could you possibly put the image as an attachment? i tend to quick scroll this thread when im looking wich drawing is next and it already happen that i missed somebody by accident so, to avoid that i would prefer if you attach the image
These are great! I always admired people who could draw and would like on of my thief.
:D hope you like it
I LOVE THEM! They are great. Thanks a million!!
Wow! I’m really impressed by these. It’s such a great way to brush up on your artistic abilities while getting the pleasure of people’s reactions.
It would be amazing if you could attempt at my magnificent Guardian, Velite!
Love this!
Here’s my asura guardian. If you decide to draw him, you can use whatever pose you like. Maybe add a greatsword?
(edited by Mythazor.4570)
These drawings are great! I’d love to see your take on Houjuu. She’s an Asuran Engineer that tends to use a chemical sprayer (Elixer Gun).
O: could you possibly put the image as an attachment? i tend to quick scroll this thread when im looking wich drawing is next and it already happen that i missed somebody by accident so, to avoid that i would prefer if you attach the image
Oh yes, certainly. The link there has additional screenshots you can reference, though.
Tarnished Coast
Hey i’m seeing some awesome work from you, i’d love for you to draw my charr just a headshot will be fine but you can add antything you want if you like.
Thanks in Advance!
so much personality which you put in them, im amazed
Awesome work!
So, this is Lance. He is like… Me. xD An epic bad-kitten, but with a super-soft heart.
I am going to spread this thread around with the people I know. And if I get a picture, it will be my new Facebook profile picture. xD
-Yes, I uploaded a new picture-set, because this one looks cooler.
(edited by LanceHavenbay.2067)
Wow Theses are Amazing I going to put Lilith aglais up in hopes you will draw her , i have put alot of effort into her gear hoping to go for falling angel look
I would love for you to draw hereit will be my new picture for everythng lool
[Sea of Sorrows ]
Wow! I love these drawings, hopefully you can manage my asura engineer? =3
He is a very loyal and kind, but has a bad side when he gets angry
EDIT: Just added a second picture of what he looks like now. Don’t worry if you’ve already drawn the other picture.
(edited by Seveer.6421)
i feel like i should give this update, ill most likely not going to draw anything until saturday (crazy homework its driving me insane __
) so be patient! :D everyone whos posted will “eventually” get their characters drawn (:
No rush. We all appreciate your work. You owe us nothing. xD Thank you very much though!
Not fair, he practiced ! xD
Hehe, Nice work love your art style !
Hats off to the talented Fsnowzombie!
Like your work :-)
I really like your work! Would you kindly? (heh Bioshock)
sorry it took so long ):
but i hope you like it
Nice work Fsnowzombie i wonder what graphic table do you use i always wanted to get one myself but was put off by the cost of some of them, do you know of a good entry level one. In the mean time here are some pics
here you go
i didnt knew what to do for the alt version xD so i added more pirate stuff
Yarrr me hearty thanks for the great drawings loving the eye-patch and parrot also for the tip about the bamboo fun wacom tablet, i plan on getting one soon and brush up on my drawing skills.
Thanks again
Holy kitten, those are amazing! You’re very talented!
If you have the time, here’s my thief.
Aureus Knights [AKS]
Charr Thief ~ Maguuma
Wow, awesome!
I would like it if you could draw my sylvari guardian
Shattered Souls | www.shattered-souls.net
Ring of Fire
Hey, looks to me like your buried but if you do have the chance It would be amazing If you could sketch my Charr, Jonika It’s an awesome thing that you’re doing btw
That’s so awesome, haha.
I wanna do an art trade with you! You draw mine, I’ll draw yours. As long as it’s not a Charr, I’m fine with it all…
I’m not good with feline characters. ;_;
sorry it took so long ):
but i hope you like it
Thanks! It looks great
80 Sylvari Ranger
Both got nerfed. Yay
I like your style and the generosity
I hope I’m posting this picture right ;>_>
I give up >_<
(edited by Ravrohan.8231)
Great pictures! I’ll be very grateful if you draw my mesmer
Here she is: If you can pls add this book from halloween q , my mesmer use sword and focus looks like a skull if this can help you.
(edited by Moderator)
I like your style and the generosity
I hope I’m posting this picture right ;>_>
I give up >_<
xD in the bottom, just above the “reply” “preview” “cancel” buttons there is an attachments option, you just upload the image there and it should show
guys i promisse i at least going to make 2 or 3 today, ive been idling for way to much because of homework, but i should be finishing that today
An update with references!
If I could, I’d like to make a request for Minaus, with an additional reference for her face and glow pattern.
Grenadier extraordinaire, and with quite a devious side to boot. For a concept, I’d imagine her with one of each of the given grenades—Shrapnel, Flash, Freeze, and Poison—between each finger in her left hand, and the pulled pins on each finger on the right hand, all the while sporting a devilish grin.
Let me know if you need any additional information, otherwise I leave the rest entirely to your discretion.
hope you like it
Hi, I just today saw this post and it made me a happy man to know that creative people are conversing so freely. I’ve been sitting on this screenshot for a while now and have been using it as a screensaver since i made it.
I got one other screenshot of my definitive main char. I’ll add that aswell.
Both screens are from my main char. 2nd is the final appearance.
Hope it stirres up something! Keep drawing, i admire your skill!
Take care!
(edited by Raindull Fhenrir.8431)
I must admit, I’ve been checking this thread frequently since posting in it.
I was not disappointed.