FREE drawings (and comissions too!)
Fantastic work OP! I saw the announcement about community work so I thought I’d drop in. I’d very much like to see your work highlighted to the rest of the community. I’m thinking about doing themed cupcakes Maybe in exchange for some art of my character I can make a cupcake for one of yours.
I know the headpiece is a little difficult to see but it’s the tier 1 Human Cultural goggles ( The weapons are Mystic Pistol ( and
Scepter (
Thank you very much for your time and keep up the good work. <3
Hello. Thanks for the opportunity. Really good artwork and would love to have a drawing of my Sylvari.
Much appreciated for the work you’re doing for the community. I greatly admire your creativity and artistic talent. Here’s my guardian if you could just whip up something for her. I also include a close up shot of the sword and shield if you want to use them as well as a shot of her face.
(edited by Trungalung.7850)
You are very talented and I love the looseness of your drawings !
If you are still up for it could you please draw my Mesmer Diamond Mask?
I include a loading screen pic for additional reference since my screenies are a bit darkoooooooooh i like that dress its really pretty
wich one is it?
That’s the Order of Whispers set
That’s right- I love that set!
Hmm … this is good work indeed. Now I’ve never asked for art before, so this will be my first, but perhaps I could give you a little challenge with my main here: Grim Jagerkin? I’ve made one screen up close to the face to see the tusks and details and then others in various poses you could try. I personally like the rifle check one.
i suck at charr ):
but i still
hope you like it
Well now, this is some quality art! I’d definately be willing to donate should my character catch enough interest to be drawn! Here’s Technic, posing nicely for the camera.
Awesome thing you’re doing here. And the art looks really great.
Here’s my Jaelle Thatcher, assassin and free time thief. Today is actually the first time in the almost 2 months I’ve worn that armour that I’ve seen it on another character ingame (curiously almost the same colouring as well ^^). So to celebrate this I would love it if you chose to make a nice sketch out of her. It’s almost sad, really. I think it’s an awesome looking armour, but so many thiefs go for the named exotic instead of this one. ^^
Pls, pls, pls!
She’s ranger with LB and cute teddy named Haribo
hope you like it
You are a hero to the people.
Keep it up!
Can I just have a headshot of my dear Sylvari? ?
Gorgeous art, by the way! I love the little gaming and funny tweaks you add to the extra drawings. c:
here is my sylvari ranger can you make a drawing of him for me ??
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These are great!
Curious to see if how you interpret my elementalist from these pics
Looking foward, thank you!
omg your drawnings are pure epicness!
id like if you hvae time to have one about my ele ^^
thx you already
Amazing works there man, keep it up!
Probably not the best picture I have but I don’t have this skin anymore to retake it(took it during a lag heavy raid in WvW so the graphics were turned down). It’s using that pirate-ish skin if you can’t tell too well from the picture. Would love if you could draw me(the guy Asura) with my guildie (the girl Asura) just laying back, chilling like that. If you can’t or don’t want to do both of the Asuras, just draw the guy Asura
Love your work, can’t wait to see what you come up with ^^
Awesome work, really good thing you’re doing here.
Archon Brigade [ARC], Guild Leader
80’s: Warrior, Guardian, Thief, Ranger, Engineer
I don’t know what to say You are really talented person and I can’t wait to see my thief
Here are some pics:
I don’t know what to say
You are really talented person and I can’t wait to see my thief
Here are some pics:
omg im so jelly of you!!!! i want that armor for my engi but its so expensive ;n;
Have to say I’m loving the art style, and feel free to do one of my pistol loving thief.
Included a full pic of him and a close up of the guild pistols (his favourite toys), but don’t worry about the guild icons (I change them too often).
Keep up the great work!
Some of my work…still not complete yet
There is neither Shadow nor Light, only Gray remains.
These character drawings are amazing. Seeing as you’ve already got a long queue going on here, I won’t add my request. But I certainly will be watching the results of your work!
This is My current Favorite picture of my Character, Maybe you could draw it?
hope you like it
These character drawings are amazing. Seeing as you’ve already got a long queue going on here, I won’t add my request. But I certainly will be watching the results of your work!
o: oh no worries feel free to post your request i will get to it (eventually) xD
Hi, Ponhater here (As named on your Deviantart comments section).
You… are amazing.
I am just going to throw this out there…
Her: Australia
Us?: Probably Never
But, I made this music for her anyway.
IF You were to see a screenshot that “Inspired” you for GW2, I can not think of a better Christmas present for her than one of your drawings, preferably with both of us.
Thank you for your Art.
PS: Another suggestion is listed on your Comments section at DeviantArt
“I hate Ponds”
(edited by Herc the Sixth.6028)
Some of my work…still not complete yet
do show when its complete i really like how you did the face
I know you have many replies but I am throwing my hat in too
Her love for the necromancy arts took her to Oola who was also trying to combine Necromancy with Golemancy. Secretly she experimented herself at an old golemsuit graveyard, where the old golems were discarded if they were no longer useful. What Shala did not know was that in the old golemsuit that she was trying to reanimate was the corpse of an female Asura. The experiment failed and Shala blacked out only to awake not in her own body but that of the asura.
This was just a set back to her quest, she will eventually, just like Oola combine Necromancy and Golemancy.
Charactername: Shala Jarias
Character Age: 30ish (although Necromancy stopped the aging process)
Class: Necromancer
Looks: Red dreads with a black hairband to keep them out of her face, under her mask she has pure white eyes, has several tribal-like scarifications on her body, inked with blood
(edited by Shala Jarias.9456)
Loving that second picture that you drew for Tobran. I like em both but between those two, the second is my favorite
Very impressive work! I would like to make a request as well. Here is Sharak Iskar, Charr engineer. The only particular detail I would like to request( if possible) is that you make him look somewhat sincere or in deep thought. He is a Charr with a long and troubled past that event currently still haunts him to this day. Besides that, anything else is up to your awesome artist abilities
Thank you in advance! And keep up the good work! You have some great artistic skills
This is My current Favorite picture of my Character, Maybe you could draw it?
hope you like it
looks like my character :P
can you make mine like that one to??? I’m gonna use it in youtube video’s and i like the pose he has.
(ofcourse ill give credit+Link to your art page)
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(edited by BlakThornArrow.2389)
Only 6 more for you to draw until you can hopefully draw mine I look forward to seeing it! And keep up the good work.
I’ve been watching this thread for a while now. Your artwork is great! I don’t know why I didn’t request one sooner.
I would love a picture of my asura necromancer, Saamid. Below I attached pictures with his skull mask and with his cultural helm. I don’t have a preference on which you decide to draw. Just make sure he looks like the proud, arrogant, and awesome asura that he is.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Updated with new pictures of his current armor set.
(edited by Hahadori.7548)
I just decide to stumble across the forums and I see this freakin amazing thread. Simply awesome art, I’d rag on myself if I didn’t request anything. So I’m gonna dumb my Charr engineer screen caps here.
I took them at one of my faveourite locations in the grove. My characters a bit of a solitude seeker and loves secluded spots such as these.
Thanks in advance, and keep up drawing. Your pieces are awesome.
Wow! I’m really impressed by these. It’s such a great way to brush up on your artistic abilities while getting the pleasure of people’s reactions.
It would be amazing if you could attempt at my magnificent Guardian, Velite!
here you go
yours was one of my favs so far O:
Love this!
Here’s my asura guardian. If you decide to draw him, you can use whatever pose you like. Maybe add a greatsword?
wanted to try a slightly different style with yours hope you like it
These drawings are great! I’d love to see your take on Houjuu. She’s an Asuran Engineer that tends to use a chemical sprayer (Elixer Gun).
O: could you possibly put the image as an attachment? i tend to quick scroll this thread when im looking wich drawing is next and it already happen that i missed somebody by accident so, to avoid that i would prefer if you attach the image
Oh yes, certainly. The link there has additional screenshots you can reference, though.
hope you like it
Hey i’m seeing some awesome work from you, i’d love for you to draw my charr just a headshot will be fine but you can add antything you want if you like.
Thanks in Advance!
here you go
Awesome work!
So, this is Lance. He is like… Me. xD An epic bad-kitten, but with a super-soft heart.I am going to spread this thread around with the people I know. And if I get a picture, it will be my new Facebook profile picture. xD
-Yes, I uploaded a new picture-set, because this one looks cooler.
hope you like it, i went for a more cartoon-ish look hope you dont mind ;P
Such wonderful art! Making me anticipate mine even more I like the beam sword you put on the one character :P
Wow! really nice work on your latest batch of drawings, your work just keeps getting better
Pic is in attachment. Your artwork is awesome and dang you draw fast I though you wouldn’t be able to keep up with ppl when you started but daaaang. Epic work. Draw him when you get the time and if you could put the warbanner (or all of em) in the pic. I play a banner support war in wvw so its part of my character.
here’s my character i posted him before but i think you skipped it??
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here’s my character i posted him before but i think you skipped it??
hmmmmmm you know i searched all the pages and you werent there so im going to go with no, i didnt skipped you
here is my sylvari ranger can you make a drawing of him for me ??
really :P
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
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here is my sylvari ranger can you make a drawing of him for me ??
really :P
He is still not even done with all the requests on page 2. Yours is on page 4. Have patience.
omg srry my bad!
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
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Great work, and enjoy the style!!
Here’s my Dual-Dagger Elementalist.
Probably that one D/D Elementalist
(edited by BladeWaker.9716)