[Fanfic] Feline for You

[Fanfic] Feline for You

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tren.6398


Welcome! I’m here to share my fanfic about a certain amusing incident involving a Destiny’s Edge and some other important characters. It’s rather long, but finished. It’s a fun comedy-filled piece. Ideal, if you feel down and you want to cheer up. Especially, if you enjoy watching Logan suffering from the consequences of his actions. Enjoy a confused knight, his well-meaning friends, an Asura who believes in power of love, a cunning Queen and a chaotic incident that occured due to a certain drunk realization!

Summary: As Logan wakes up hungover, after a banquet which preceeds an important charr-human conference, he learns that he made a drunk confession during the previous day. Now, he has until the evening to remember what exactly happened and try to find a way to resolve the current situation or else he will end up dead, or worse… romantically involved.