Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


I don’t know how it all started.
All I remember was waking up in the dream.
Owl’s Abattoir was off in the distance. From this vantage.
I would swear I saw something sitting, no perched, at the top of the Abattoir.
Is that….?


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


The next thing I recall is Walking alongside my Mentor Ulgadis as we patrolled the ruins, caring for the sacred Owls.
It is a task that I take seriously. If we are to Keep the memory of Owl alive, and hope to one day return her to the world, we must care for and protect these last remnants of her.


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


As we were finishing up our rounds, We noticed that an Ice Structure had form.. NO!
A totem to Dragon! This cannot be!
How could, how DARE, the Svanir place this despicable totem to that creature near Owls Abattoir?

Ulgadis informed me that she would use her Shamanic Spells to destroy the foul thing.
Anger welled up in my normally pacifistic nature. Anger at Dragon.
She set about her ritual.

But before she could begin. The Icy voice of the Son of Svanir Shaman called to us.
We engaged the powerful Shaman in battle. My Spirit Owl attacked along with Ulgadis, while I used my support magics from a distance. We defeated him after a hard fight.


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


As she destroyed the foul totem. The magic of the dragon lifted the icy structure into the sky..
But as it did so. I suddenly began to feel weak and dizzy.
As if the dragon was somehow trying to influence me.
What was happening.. to.. me?
A moment later I could feel myself overlooking a bluff.
Where was I?
The sky was so strange. Eldritch energies swirled about.
I recognize this place.Frostgorge sound.. why was I here?
A Snow Owl?
Not my Spirit companion, but another. What is she looking at?


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


I next found myself standing upon the one same bluff I had only just been observing.
Jormag was upon me.


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


Fear gripped me as my Norn pride fled in the face of such evil.
This was the creature that devoured Owl, a Spirit of the Wild.
What chance did I have against such power?
I turned to flee…


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


The Dragon was not about to let me escape it’s clutches.
I was on my way to becoming the next generation of Owl Shamans.
Something that had not happened in decades. Even Ulgadis for all
her devotion to Owl, had only a smidgen of the magical powers
growing within me.
Had Jormag sensed the magics in me? Had it sensed the sensation of
a foe it thought it had devoured?
I felt impending doom.
Was that gaping maw the last thing Owl saw before her death?


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


I could feel it’s presence in my head.
Whispering dark things.
“Who do you think you are small Norn?”
“Do you think you are Owl? Don’t your stories tell you what happened the day your weak spirit tried to save your people?”
“I devoured your silly spirit, just as I shall devour you!”


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


It leaned closer to me, that icy, scaly head. That gleaming eye, it grew so close to me.
In my downed state, there was nothing I could do.


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


It backed away then raised its arms. A giant talon-ed claw hung above my head.
Ancient magic shone. I could feel my essence being drained.
This truly was the end.


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


Just as I felt the last of my Strength leave. Some mystic energy appeared. Spearing the creature In the torso.
Also filling me with renewed vigor.
The tell tale sign of the Mists were present.


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


Pulled back from the brink. I gathered my wits.
Next I gathered my staff. That’s when I noticed the other beings running past me.
Now I understood. Now I see why this dream dragon had so easily taken me down, taken US down.
The Norn had stood alone when Jormag arrived. When it chased us from the Far Shiverpeaks.
This dream, or prophecy. We could defeat the dragons, but not as only Norn, or Humans, Or Asura.
But as Tyrians.

From the teachings of Owl.

“To hear Bear or Wolf is to know fear, for their enemies cannot overcome them. To hear Owl is to know peace, for her enemies will never hear her coming.”


Fanfic( Images)- Dreams of the Dragon

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazirai.2859


This is My Roleplay Druid, Owl Woman.
“Owl, we call upon you so that we might live by your wisdom. We will hunt silently and well, so that our homes will never know danger or starvation.”
Thanks for reading this story.
