Fanfic: Travelling Circus- ARC 2 PREVIEW

Fanfic: Travelling Circus- ARC 2 PREVIEW

in Community Creations

Posted by: Selana Firestone.6389

Selana Firestone.6389

Hello there! For those of you who may not know, my fanfiction, “Travelling Circus”, recently passed its second year in writing. It’s still being continued, and only recently have I began work on the second main story arc. I’ll avoid spoilers, but allow me to say that there will be more races introduced in this part of the tale. In addition, while Myrie Ward was the main character in Arc 1, in Arc 2, we get to see a bit more of my title character, Selana Firestone, and how her character/background has developed. Another main character shall be introduced: the enigmatic sylvari, Llumin. Her story ties in surprisingly-strong ways to our resident elementalist, and the revelation of her background may cause some shocking results. How will the crew react? What does the story have to do with traveling circuses? And the most important question of all: Can I possibly write in Trahearne as a decent character without having him be poorly-parodied or stealing the spotlight?!

Feel free to ask your questions below and/or send me a PM. In the meantime, please enjoy this tiny preview of my four sylvari- of which only two are currently planned to make it into the story. Thank you very much for your support- I never expected to still be writing after this time!

~Selana Firestone

PS- Image below is as follows:

Top Left: Llumin, sylvari mesmer, born in the Dusk cycle.
Top Right: Sylfia Wyldcaller, warrior, born in the Noon cycle.
Bottom Left: Nettle Viridia, necromancer, born in the Dawn cycle.
Bottom Right: Illa Frost, ranger, born in the Night cycle.


Author of Traveling Circus.
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