First Legendary! :D

First Legendary! :D

in Community Creations

Posted by: frozen is the best movie NA.1089

frozen is the best movie NA.1089


So, I’ve been playing this game on/off since release and after 3000+ hours of playtime I slowly made up enough materials/money to make a Howler which took me around 4 months of casual farming/whatever I feel like doing. Thanks to the drop in precursor prices I bought a Howl & was practically done. Except dungeon tokens lol, I RARELY EVER do dungeons, so when I had to farm Twilight Arbor oh god. I farmed for the last 2 days getting like 20 tokens a run, but it was so worth! Now to save up again and see what new legendaries are coming. !(•??•?)? ??

My 2 day adventure of making my first legendary! :

First Legendary! :D

in Community Creations

Posted by: Lethal Njection.8741

Lethal Njection.8741

Congrats mate!

I save Ascalon against another Charr invasion, and my father trifles with doors!

First Legendary! :D

in Community Creations

Posted by: AkioFallstar.5460


Congratulations! Video’s neat too.

Kaede Varr
Writer at Chronicles of Tyria
The Covenant of the Mourn [TEAR] and Powertrip [POW]