Free illustrations!

Free illustrations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Curae.1837


To start: There is a tl;dr for people who live life efficiently. (which is actually just a kind word for lazy )

Hea there!
Next week will be my last week of intern this year, and I will have a lot of free time during vacation! And because of that I’m offering free illustrations of your characters here! /o/

Regarding Asura and Charr: I have difficulty drawing them, but I am more than willing to learn and try.

I draw in several different styles; feel free to request a specific one.

When it comes to waterpaint; I’ll only work on 1 piece at the same time. This due to having only 1 block with the paper available at all times.

Anyways; Just post your character, tell me a bit about him/her, we wouldn’t want your completely highly intelligent stubborn and fearsome Asura warrior to look clumsy! Do you want a full body or just a portrait?
Tell me what style you want, or let me decide.

-Free illustrations
-waterpaint takes long and only 1 at the same time
I need:
-is your character fearsome/cute/clumsy/etc
-Full body/portrait?
-what style?
-Asura and Charr are difficult but awesome.

Examples of styles(sorry for the weird order and the last one being a work in progress):


“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Free illustrations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Jade Arkadian.9280

Jade Arkadian.9280

Hi there!

I would like to ask you to draw a friend’s character. I want to give her a little surprise

There she is:

She is a Norn Warrior. At first glance she may actually look like somehow angry but she is a very loyal and nice person who is alway willing to help her friends, though she doesnt want to look like that. Quite stubborn in her very own way.

As you may see, she uses 2 handed weapong like greatsword and hammer.

There are some pics of her:

Regarding the style, well do whatever you feel like since you are doing it for free.
I will just say that i love both the portrait you did (third one) and the watercolor one (last one)

If you need something else or more details, just ask for it ^^.

Free illustrations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Curae.1837


First of all; apologies for the late response! And thank you for your request!

Anyways… surprises for friends are awesome!
Very pretty character, and nice personality, certainly gives me something to work with.
I’d love to draw her with the hammer, this also gives options to more ‘open’ poses, which means you will see more of her armor.

I’ve sketched up some different poses in the train (and traced them digitally for some visibility) which you can find in the attachment.
So… That opens up two questions I have!

1. What pose do you like best for her character? (or maybe a different pose than I sketched so far)
2. What kind of boots is she wearing?


“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Free illustrations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Jade Arkadian.9280

Jade Arkadian.9280

Actually i believe she is wearing heavy vigil boots. Leggings are Norn cutural tier 3 There are some more full body pic.

Don really care too much about the colors, she is always swapping dyes since the player is quite fancy.

Regarding the pose, well, i believe the one on the left could suit very well.

Free illustrations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Curae.1837


Thank you for the info and extra screenies!

And great, since I also think the pose on the left side is the strongest

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Free illustrations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: shinobaruwrxsti.8425


Hello Curae

If it’s not too much trouble, please feel free to have a go at drawing my Thief, SHINOBI… I guess you could say he’s your typical ninja archetype; stoic, broodish, mysterious, etc… A full body portrait of him doing something “ninja-esque” would be totally awesome! Any style/medium will do! (But if you want me to choose, perhaps something similar to a Japanese anime style would be nice) Screenies below! And thanks in advance! (^.^)


(edited by shinobaruwrxsti.8425)

Free illustrations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Curae.1837


Hea Shinobi! I would be glad to draw your thief!
Been a long time since I drew anything in animestyle, but I’ll give it a go

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Free illustrations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: shinobaruwrxsti.8425


Hea Shinobi! I would be glad to draw your thief!
Been a long time since I drew anything in animestyle, but I’ll give it a go

That’s awesome news, thank you! I look forward to seeing what you come up with! Let me know if you need more screenies