Fun Skribbles

Fun Skribbles

in Community Creations

Posted by: escalantek.2586


Here I will post my doodles of gw2 stuff. They are sketchy,non-finished stuff.

I get little fun ideas for pictures, but don’t take the time to make it all neat and beautiful.

Here’s my first little sketch. It’s my charr Myko and my human Layla meeting for the first time. Layla wants to be friends because Myko looks like her cat. Myko doesn’t know what to make of the situation.


Fun Skribbles

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mercypsy.9602


Nice work. I like that there’s a story to it as well. It’s very sweet. Would a Charr be offended by a human with a pet cat, I wonder…

Fun Skribbles

in Community Creations

Posted by: Desraedos.1856


D’aww, cute. But Merc, would a human get offended by a pet marmoset? I think Charr would probably be cool with that.

Fun Skribbles

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mercypsy.9602


D’aww, cute. But Merc, would a human get offended by a pet marmoset? I think Charr would probably be cool with that.

Marmoset? Marmoset…? (checking wikipedia…) Ah! Excellent point you make there And anyway, the cat looks so happy there on top of her head…

Fun Skribbles

in Community Creations

Posted by: escalantek.2586


XD I had to look up wat a marmoset was too.. Lol they should add them to ranger pets!
Thanks for the comments guys ^^ yeah maybe that cat is a little too happy facing a charr…

Fun Skribbles

in Community Creations

Posted by: escalantek.2586


So I downloaded a program onto my iPad that let’s me draw stuff. So here’s Layla’s face. Just wish I had a stylus for this thing. Finger starts cramping after a while xD

Scrappy. Haha. Sorry her face is weird/unrefined. Kinda was an experiment to see what I could do with this app.
