GW1 Wedding Cake

GW1 Wedding Cake

in Community Creations

Posted by: Angel.6085


Gaile asked me to post this from a comment thread going on on Facebook.

A little background:

My husband and I met in GW1 when we were a Heroe’s Ascent monk team. He played healing monk and I played prot monk. He didn’t really like me in the beginning too much but we ended up developing a really strong friendship that blossomed into more. Luckily we both happened to live in the same state: Pennsylvania. He lived near Pittsburgh and I lived near Philadelphia.

After a few years of friendship we ended up taking things to the next level. We started dating and got engaged on November 2nd, 2010. Despite taking care of all our wedding’s last little “somethings,” we still ended up participating in all the Beta Weekend Events and played the game religiously at launch. We married on October 5th, 2012.

Some ups and downs in game led him to taking a couple breaks, but I’m still going strong every day on Guild Wars 2. I am now a guild leader of a successful WvW guild, have met some fantastic friends in this community, my best friend and the love of my life. No matter where goes from here, I am forever thankful I picked up a copy of Guild Wars 1

The Cake:
We had one of our wedding cakes stylized after the monks that we played in Guild Wars 1, our main characters. I gave the baker pictures of our characters (below) and she was able to made adorable fondant (I think) characters down to the last detail and armor mixes that we had at the time. The background was an Eye of the North character log in screen from the game. (It was delicious). The baker is Hillary of Cake Creations by Hillary out of Homer City, Pennsylvania but I read she has since retired.

Our Original Guild Wars 1 Characters:
More Shots of the Cake:

Thanks Everyone for checking this out,

Angel & Blas


Formerly [rB], [OPED], [Choo]
Guild Leader [DN] Digital Nemesis

GW1 Wedding Cake

in Community Creations

Posted by: Rioko.2647


That is so adorable and sweet! Love the cake!

GW1 Wedding Cake

in Community Creations

Posted by: Name.9128


This is way too cute!


GW1 Wedding Cake

in Community Creations

Posted by: Nythrilyn.2146


Aww that is so awesome, lil wee monks on a cake :P