Gear Cosmetics

Gear Cosmetics

in Community Creations

Posted by: KorbanDallas.7389


Not sure if this has been done before, since I’m a bit too lazy to go through all the forums and what-have you, but I’ve been starting to work on collecting screenshots of all the different armor types available (right now I’m doing just the PC crafted, but long-term I’d like to go through and add dungeons, orders, and vendors) and eventually weapons.

Mind you, it’s purely for the art designs at the moment, so don’t expect it to tell you where to find things or how to make things. Maybe some other time, if I am so motivated.


Gear Cosmetics

in Community Creations

Posted by: KorbanDallas.7389


Well, I’ve been updating the site as I get stuff, for those of you interested. I’ve also added a bit of an Armor Crafting guide/help section to the decent-sized collection of armor images. The only armor involved right now is just player-crafted, but I may change that later on.


Gear Cosmetics

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gnat.5124


Just taken a look and very helpful, thanks for doing this