(edited by Coco.3021)
Gold commissions - slots full ty ty!
Bumping this back up.
bumping this cause youre talented
I second voodooDahlia, i can only dream of skills like that ^^.
Sadly im jsut on summer holidays, so im literally throwing all my money away :/. Ill post now so i can find you bac after i get enough money.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Thank you both! And sorry ‘bout the late response, wasn’t online as much the past few days.
hey are you still open this gold commissions ?
hey are you still open this gold commissions ?
Yes, still open.
is there a way to chat with u ? or should i put everything u need me to do here ?
I like your style, particularly that first sketch of the norn warrior.
I’d like to claim one of your open slots for a full body sketch of my human warrior, if I may.
I’ve attached a touched-up screenshot of her for some detail, and here is a link to a few shots of her in game: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/crafting/Post-YOUR-legendary-progress/page/9#post2405918 Though if you do include weapons in the sketch, I’d prefer an axe/mace combo, not Sunrise as is shown in these shots.
In terms of her character, she’s based on the character of Asha Greyjoy from A Song of Ice and Fire. She’s kinda unfeatured in the TV show version, at least so far, but a total kitten in the books. The Greyjoy house words are “we do not sow,” they get everything they have from raiding and battle. Asha is the daughter of Balon Greyjoy and is competing for her father’s throne with her uncle. She’s not winning, and her uncle has tried to marry her off to control her, but she takes off and tries to make a name for herself as a warrior/conqueror in exile. So in general, she’s a fierce fighter type gone rogue.
I’m looking for a view from the front/slightly from the side, and I think I’d like to see the raggedyness of the cloth pieces of her armor set played up a bit, maybe with a windblown look to the cloth part of the rear skirt and possibly her hair if that’s doable.
I’m not sure what resolution the finished sketch will be at since I’m not sure what method you use to sketch, but the larger the better =D
Let me know if you need anything else, I’ll check back on the post and watch my PMs.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
@Cicada – Posting the information here is fine – alternately if you don’t want to do that, you can send me a private message (I think by clicking on my forum name). Let me know what works best.
@Facepunch – Thanks! I like to try including weapons so I’ll definitely work on fitting them in. I usually work at 300 ppi and start from a 2000px square canvas and crop down depending on how the pose turns out exactly. If you’d like it at some specific dimensions though, do let me know. I’ll get a rough draft to you as soon as possible!
Those dimensions sound great, Coco, thanks.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Those dimensions sound great, Coco, thanks.
Rough draft here - let me know if you’re okay with the pose, if you want specific weapons or need other changes.
Coco, that concept looks fantastic, really nice job!
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
If I can make one request as you move forward, I prefer the style of the faces in this image and this image over the more cartoony look of the faces here and here. I’m definitely partial to the Alex Garners and Michael Turners over the slightly more anime-looking stuff.
In terms of the weapons, no need to feature specific models from the game, I’m not nuts about any of the axe or mace skins I use anyway, so the draft versions you’ve sketched out can just be further developed, or feel free to play around with other ideas if you feel so inspired, just nothing too over the top.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Sure thing – I prefer those styles myself (big Alex Garner fan, I based the BSI pictures from his fanart).
I’ll probably take what’s there for the weapons and just detail them a bit more, but I’ll keep it realistic.
Thank you for the feedback.
Blech, sorry for the slow. I really do move at a snail’s pace normally. :x
Small update as I’ve been working on other non-GW2 pieces as well, hopefully the face is in the style that you like.
Hey Coco, thanks for the progress update and don’t worry about the pace, you’re fine.
It’s looking really cool, the only thing I’d suggest is the width of her hips looks a little off to me. I think the game models do have pretty narrow hips that don’t really look great in drawings, but perhaps you can rein them in a bit toward a compromise between the game style and the comic style?
Other than that, the face looks great so far as does the rest of it, so you’ve got me excited to see the next update, keep up the good work!
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Haha, that’s my personal bias coming through. I’ll make a note to change it next time I can work on the pic.
Hey Coco, not to rush you, but do you perchance have any more progress you can post on this? I’m thinking I’d like to start chipping away at coloring it this weekend and I’d like to start with as much as possible. Thanks =)
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser