On Saturday the 4th of April my boyfriend told me that he was taking me on an adventure. The first thing that I had to do was open my letter box, inside I found an apple and a letter.
Then when I got in the car he had the GW2 sound track playing. Enclosed with the letter was a map and a clue to the next place that we were going. For the map he had made puns by mixing game map names with real place names.
When we arrived at the next place we had to walk a bit and then I found a trail of apples hidden in some trees. (If you haven’t realised by now this is a reference to Tybalt The Order of Whispers) They led to my next clue.
Then at the same place he also had a vista for me.
In the car on the way to the next place I opened the clue. It was a bag labelled “Bag of filched goods”. In side was some candy corn (jelly tots as we dont have candy corn here) a “luminescent tailors tools” and also a black lion chest key.
The next thing I got was the black lion chest.
Inside it were some “spools of cotton thread”
The next clue lead to his house where he had sewn an outfit for his cat himself. She is a little white cat who he had dressed to look like Tybalt.
We went to the local botanical gardens next where there was another vista for me.
Then there was a recipe for me to use with my Luminescent Tailors Tools and my Spools of Cotton Thread.
The recipe was a crochet pattern. I do a lot of crochet, and my boyfriend had learned how to write a pattern so that he could do this for me. Then after quite a while of me doing crochet the pattern was finished.
That’s when I realised he was proposing to me. (Yes he did go down on one knee then yes I did cry)
And that was my most amazing Guild Wars 2 proposal. I really wanted to share it here with you because of all the effort and time that it took my now Fiance to do all of this for me.