Guild Wars 2 Redone
Update 12/31/2016
- Completed the Weapons section with actual examples.
- Fixed some spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
This implies the game is, in fact, broken. If the game was broken as badly as you think, would the game NOT have been changed by now?
You raise a very good point. Is the game broken? No, the game is unbalanced. there is in fact a difference.Broken implies that the game is unplayable as a whole. This is not the case. The game is overpowered in many areas while under-powered in many others with very little equality from profession to profession. This does not seek to fix the game as a whole but rather simply provide a benchmark for balance. It is a sad fact of any game system that there will be some items that are more powerful than others. there is always that one best option, meta, or class that out shines the rest. take a look at any Pen and Paper role playing game and you will see my point. The point of this is not to change that, but to provide a benchmark to make the game as streamlined as possible.
I got started building and balancing game systems when I was 15 starting with Returners FFRPG 1st-3rd editions, Game Theory Crafting is my passion and i strive very hard to understand what i’m talking about when I do so.
Thanks for the question and feel free to comment on the Document.
the problem with the balancing is that they dont do fine tuning and only large changes.
what they trying to do isn’t balancing but to disturb the meta, thats what colin wanted anyway, to SHAKE the meta
they can keep shaking the meta while shaking off the players.
Henge of Denravi Server
You can break up the meta without unbalancing the game. If anything the changes i suggest will break up the meta by opening up more viable options. Just as an example;
Discipline would be less important for a Berserker because which allows you to Take strength or arms, also you may not need to take Arms if you are not worried about weapon cooldowns, so you may take defense or tactics. Finally you may not need strength because you are running full support. In this case you would take Tactics Defense and Discipline. This breaks up the meta so that there are at least three viable options on one class. And that is just based on traits, not weapons.
You can break up the meta without unbalancing the game. If anything the changes i suggest will break up the meta by opening up more viable options. Just as an example;
Discipline would be less important for a Berserker because which allows you to Take strength or arms, also you may not need to take Arms if you are not worried about weapon cooldowns, so you may take defense or tactics. Finally you may not need strength because you are running full support. In this case you would take Tactics Defense and Discipline. This breaks up the meta so that there are at least three viable options on one class. And that is just based on traits, not weapons.
Again, this implies there ISNT more than one viable option for a class. Believe me, there are MANY. And the meta changes based on what you’re doing to boot, so you need to account for ALL of that.
You are not wrong. There is more than one viable option for playing the game. The problem is there are entire classes with no viable option. That is not balance or meta, that is just poor game design. This build does not seek to change the idea that some classes will have more advantages over the other, but it does seek to make them as balanced as possible.
Does this Article account for all of that? No, of course not. because there is no way too. There are Fields, and finishers, and traits, and items, and skills that each have there own mechanics. there is no way to suddenly make every one of these perfectly balanced, and honestly would you want to play the game if they were? You’d end up with 12 class options that were all basically the same. No this build focuses on balancing what is the same among all classes already so that each class retains it’s uniquer style of game play.
- All classes have 6 Trait lines. Standardize them Weapons, Damage Defense, Support, Core Mechanic, Elite mechanic.
- All Classes have weapons. Standardize their basic attributes. Damage, activation speed, cooldowns
- All classes have a Core mechanic and Elite Mechanic. give a clear delineation between the mechanics.
This is what you can change in order to balance the game while allowing classes to be unique.
Thanks for the comments btw.
Update 02/1/2016
- Corrected a major math error which caused speed weapons to actually recharge and activate slower.
- Added Ranger to the class mechanics section.
- Celestial avatar now replaces pet’s f2 ability.
(edited by emkelly.2371)