(edited by Mental Paradox.3845)
Hail the New Krytan Government
Technology: Fueled by a will to expand and grow, the government starts projects to motivate the support the best engineers and inventors in Kryta. This leads to the invention of the first non-balloon flying machine: the aerocraft. Engineers study and master Asuran and Charr technologies through the Pact (where they have access to plenty of these machines and devices), and incorporate these technologies in our own armies. But the focus is mostly on new inventions – to prove the other races that human ingenuity is still alive, and that we will prevail.
With this newfound power, and conviction in the hearts of the people (centuries of war, and the murder of their beloved queen) – Kryta leads a crusade north of the Harathi Hinterlands, and exterminates the centaurs completely (I speculate the current centaur homelands are in the southern Verdant Cascades), and without mercy. This success cements the NKG’s position as leaders of Kryta, and their popularity soars.
The reclamation of Lion’s Arch. You have no idea how much the loss of Lion’s Arch still hurts me, and by extension the NKG. The leader experienced Lion’s Arch as it was before the Great Tsunami, and its destruction and occupation by pirates. He hates the whole Marriner family fiercely, and wishes Lion’s Arch returned to Kryta, and the Lionguard back under its control. Acquiring Lion’s Arch would strengthen the nation greatly, and give it the most powerful navy of Tyria. Also, as it is 1327AE, the timing is perfect. Lion’s Arch is severely weakened by Scarlet’s assault. Beade/Edair tried to reclaim it before, but I believe they had the wrong approach. They demanded non-humans to leave, but such a policy isn’t needed. LA was a trading hub where many nations and people met before the Flood, and it will stay that way. This is what always made LA special. But their final loyalty must be to Kryta. How will we reclaim it? We march to their gates, and give them an ultimatum. The Captain’s Council is to be disbanded immediately, and the Lionguard is to swear fealty to Kryta. Failure to comply will result in invasion. We already know they will decline. Unlike Edair, I realize it’d be stupid to try and take on their navy, so we attack from the only angle they do NOT have covered – the air! We bomb the final bits of resistance to kingdom come from our aeroplanes and airships, and then march in and reclaim our capital. As LA is run by criminals anyway (I consider them criminals, as they illegally occupy Krytan territory), the political fallout (with the other races) will hopefully be minimal. After the war, all Lionguard are entirely free to continue serving in the Lionguard as defenders of the city (all races, not just humans) – albeit under the Krytan flag.
Breaking down the Tengu wall. I find it preposterous how the Tengu just “claimed” such a large part of Kryta for themselves – without negotiations or anything, and have the NERVE to kill any Krytans who wish to travel past the wall. I still consider this “Dominion of Winds” a part of Kryta, a part we’ve lost due to lax policies and a weak government. Under the NKG, this too will change. This time, the ultimatum is as follows: allow Krytans free passage past the wall, and negotiate a deal with the NKG for permanent settlement. We’re not monsters, we do not wish to force the Tengu to leave or go extinct. But we will not tolerate occupation of any kind.
Regain ownership/stewardship of Orr. The Pact is currently cleaning up the remnants of the Risen, but no one currently “owns” Orr. There should be a world summit, where we should argue Orr is humanity’s Holy Land, and that we deserve to be ones to rebuild it. Once it’s safe enough, we could have regular pilgrimages to Orr, starting from our reclaimed capital of Lion’s Arch.
Negotiate with the legions to build settlements outside of Ebonhawke for the growing civilian populace in what remains of Ascalon. In the long-term (we’re talking decades), I would be willing to fight a reclamation war to regain all of Ascalon. Until then, we must be wary of our diplomatic position with the Charr, and continue to label the Seperatists as enemies of the state.
The orders: I’m not sure how I feel about paramilitary forces on our land. Especially the Order of Whispers could become a serious problem, as they have shown to have affinity for the queen.
Borders: I dream of a united humanity. Kryta would extend from halfway the Caledon forest, Sanctum Cay in the West, to the northern Harathi Hinterlands in the north, to Bloodtide Coast in the south.
Exploration: The invention of fast(er) moving aereal transportation will allow for an era of unprecedented exploration of the world. I propose an expedition to re-establish contact with the Empire of Cantha – a nation ruled entirely by humans. They might have sympathy for our cause and offer support. Also I’d send scouting missions to Elona, to see if any non-undead humans are still holding out against Joko. If so, we are morally obliged to lend them our support. Charting the world would be another great Human accomplishment, as well as give us the opportunity to claim unclaimed land.
We, people of Humanity, will let Tyria know that we refuse to disappear gently into the night! We will rise up again, like the great Canthan phoenix, and defend our heritage with courage and limitless conviction.
Kryta prevails!
Kryta prevails!
Kryta prevails!
Laugh, rodent ;-)
Laugh, rodent ;-)
Okay, I will! Where would you be without the asuran gates? Would Ebonhawke stand without the gate from Rurikton? I believe not!
Laugh, rodent ;-)
Okay, I will! Where would you be without the asuran gates? Would Ebonhawke stand without the gate from Rurikton? I believe not!
I don’t see the problem. I didn’t mention cutting ties with the other races. Friendly relations with the other races, inclusing Asura, will continue as always. Did you even read my suggestions? Did it say ANYWHERE they we would suddenly throw out everybody? NO.
Also, the Charr-Human war is over, Ebonhawke is no longer under assault.
I do not see your argument at all.
New Krytan Government?
gasp Mental Paradox is White Mantle! KILL HIM!
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Negotiate with the legions to build settlements outside of Ebonhawke for the growing civilian populace in what remains of Ascalon. In the long-term (we’re talking decades), I would be willing to fight a reclamation war to regain all of Ascalon. Until then, we must be wary of our diplomatic position with the Charr, and continue to label the Seperatists as enemies of the state.
Yes… no conflicts at all.
New Krytan Government?
gasp Mental Paradox is White Mantle! KILL HIM!
Haha, don’t be silly. Is this kind of like the Tyrian equivalent of Godwin’s law? “Whoever mentions the White Mantle in an argument about politics, loses.”
At least I don’t force people to worship any gods, new or old.
Negotiate with the legions to build settlements outside of Ebonhawke for the growing civilian populace in what remains of Ascalon. In the long-term (we’re talking decades), I would be willing to fight a reclamation war to regain all of Ascalon. Until then, we must be wary of our diplomatic position with the Charr, and continue to label the Seperatists as enemies of the state.
Yes… no conflicts at all.
Emphasis on the LONG-TERM. For now, we’re friends. Also, you’re speaking from the position of Asura, I assume? Why would they care? If anything, I see the Asura as war profiteers. They’d just aid whatever race pays them most. Maybe even help BOTH races for maximum profit. Or do you think they set up that gate network for humanitarian purposes…?
I might also mention that less than a century ago, the Charr STILL had plans to invade Lion’s Arch/Kryta from the sea. Sooner or later, the Charr will continue their conquest of Tyria, and no one will be safe/free. Not even the Asura…
Talk to Kasmeer, she’s the next queen