Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Hey all,
If you tune in the Community Showcase Live, or watch it later on YouTube — October episode here — then you know we’re going with “theme” shows for the November and December episodes:
The shows, and the dates I will be pulling assets, follow:
November: The Norn-vember Show will be broadcast on Wednesday, November 30 at Noon Pacific Time. I will be selecting featured art by Tuesday, November 8.
December: The Wintersday Show will be broadcast on Wednesday, December 14, at Noon Pacific Time. I will be selecting featured art on by Thursday, December 1st.
By way of background, I need to select art early in the month so that we have time to build the show deck, line up a guest, write the script (gotta give credit to all our artists!), and record the show for airing on the dates listed above.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Otherwise, I hope to see you in Twitch chat on the above dates, or through YouTube at any time!
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Oh hey, and you can help me out, if you would! Sometimes the human and the norn look a lot alike. So if you have posted art and haven’t specifically said it’s a norn, update the thread to say that, ok?
Honestly, I often can figure it out. Tall. Braids. Transform to animals. Serious expressions and massive weapons. I got all that. But sometimes there’s this dainty norn in Hoelbrak and I do a double-take, so better for me to ask.
Due to scheduling adjustments, I changed the “gathering dates” for art. The new dates are:
November: The Norn-vember Show will be broadcast on our Twitch Channnel on Wednesday, November 23 at Noon Pacific Time. I will be selecting featured art by Tuesday, November 8.
December: The Wintersday Show will be broadcast on our Twitch Channnel on Wednesday, December 14, at Noon Pacific Time. I will be selecting featured art on by Thursday, December 1st.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Oh my gosh, another change:
Norn-Vember will be airing on Wednesday, November 30th at Noon Pacific. (I edited the initial post to make the clear, too.)
I will pull the art on the same date, November 8th, but because of other projects, we’ll be airing one week later in the month.
Thanks for your understanding about these date changes!!
Thank you very much, Miss Gray! I may challenge myself to try drawing my norn, so I hope that it ends up getting featured alongside the others (whose talent I most certainly will not try to be stealing with some etheric asuran construct, nosirree).
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