Hilter's Reaction to GW2 Nov 15th Patch
Its gonna be deleted.
I have not laughed so hard in months, that was the funniest kitten ever!!!
(you gotta play Ranger to understand)
Ahahah, so funny and yet so true !
Thanks for the laugh (I also QQ’ed a bit inside).
Stomp for Píken [PS]
Simply awesome!
Loved the part: “Its ok, everyone jut uses the axe anyway.” LOL
This should be in the ranger forum under ’Hitler’s legitimate complaints’.
Someone posted it there. But it was shut down because it was posted here first
Still as great video, showing the many issues that the Ranger faces in a fun way.
Most of those videos were pretty bad, but this one actually works quite well. It’s quIte accurate to boot. They should’ve made mention of QZ and Crossfire, the trap goof, and the lie for the shortbow nerfs to be 10/10, otherwise I’d give it a 9/10. /claps
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
(edited by Arsenic Touch.7960)
I loved this “Hitler Reacts” video! So true on every point! I hope the devs have watch this and got a kitten clue.
Tarnished Coast
the devs have a 90k viewed, 700+ reply thread that they could have looked through.
Level 30 Human Guardian
Kitten you Jon Peters! Just kitten you!
So true, so true. They seem a bit short-handed, in my opinion. ALSO in my opinion is that they DID buff Warrior’s LB damage AGAIN and BARELY buffed Rangers.
Rangers are the masters of LB/SB, stop making every other class use them better than we do.
Laughed so hard. And this won’t get deleted cuz they closed the thread in Ranger Forum posting this saying that it’s already here.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Community Coordinator
Even if I have to admit that this video is funny, I can’t let this thread open as the content here is mostly related to a big trolling than something constructive.
Thanks you for your understanding.