I have to say it, im pretty disappointed about Zhaitan. Mechanics aren’t revolutionary at all and Zhatian itself is pretty small compared to the concept arts. However, the design is pretty cool, i like the tongue created from “dragons” and his animations.
But back on topic, this is how i imagined the fight with Zhatian. Also, sorry in advance for my english it’s not my native and it isn’t perfect, but i will try as best as i can to write it right.
Zhatian itself, the size, i would make it like this http://i.imgur.com/h2ocv.png.
First phase
Our team, composed from 10 players(Yes i would make it at least 10 ppl fight) and Caithe, Eir, Rythlock, Logan, Zoija and some Humans, Norns and Sylvari. We get on the Asuras airship and fly to the Ruins of Orr where we meet Zhaitan. So the first phase is simple. Fight with the dragon minions of Zhatian, shooting from the cannons, fighting with the undead trash. When we get through them, above the Zhatian’s back, we jump off on his back (there can be some similarities with the Deathwing fight, but wait for the other phases). After that the real fight begins.
Second phase
After we jump on the Zhatian’s back, we will have to face epic jumping puzzles. In the meantime Asuras and Charrs will chase Zhatian on the airships around the Orr and will shoot him from the cannons.
We will have to face Zhatians minions on his back (champion status), but our main goal will be striking the weak points of Zhatian, joints of his legs and the neck. Ofc to all of this points we will have to get through the jumping puzzles. On some platforms we will fight with the minions. There will be some gaps between some platforms, so here sylvari comes to fight. They will create tree bridges between platforms. When we get to the neck the third phase will start.
Third phase
In this phase we will have to face the hardest minion. Dragon that is ripped off from Zhaitan’s jaw. He will be the size of The Shatterer. I didn’t realy think about spells and mechanics of that minion, but this is just matter of design stuff, i’ll just write the overall(if u want to hear how i see this small fight u have to give me some time to think about it and i’ll write it…ofc if u want). So after we finish this encounter we go inside the Zhaitan’s head to destroy his “brain”. During that fight we will have to jump on puzzles to destroy connections between “brain” and skull. Ofc Zhatian will still spawn his minions to fight against our team. When we finally finish this part, we will have 5 minutes to get on the airship before Zhatian explodes.
Fourth phase
Zhatian explodes, only his head “survived”. Now this is the last fight. We will have to face Zhaitan’s tongue that is made from 3 dragons. Their spells will be based on the attunements of fear, death and destruction. After we kill one dragon, the rest acquire spells from the defeated dragon and they don’t share the health poll. Ofc Asuras and Charrs will land and help us. After we kill tongues we get loot, experience and the title “Elder Dragon Slayer” for the rest of our lifes.
Ofc im aware of technology and budget limitations, but for real, i expected this fight to be sth like this. The most epic fight ever made in MMO. Also i have some ideas for dynamic events, dungeon encounters, Kralkatorrik encounter etc. Guild Wars 2 is like a catalyst for my imagination.
I love Guild Wars 2, almost every aspect of the game. This is my MMO nr 1 for life, but ye, for future fights…make Kralkatorrik and Jormag more more more epic. This game deserves that.
(If this topic is in bad section of the forum, i sinicerly apologise)
edit. Can some mod fix the name title? I did spell mistake in Zhaitan’s name
(edited by nehezbegar.1065)