Huge Toon Collection Painting[ WIP 1/10/17]

Huge Toon Collection Painting[ WIP 1/10/17]

in Community Creations

Posted by: DawnSketch.7105


I’ve decided to do a large painting of all my toons as they are right now. Two of them need makeover kits to get just right, and my Charr needs an outfit that looks right, but the others are good to go~
When I’m done with them I’m thinking of doing a Community Character Collection Painting, though I’m not sure how that will work just yet. For now I’ll keep you guys up-to-date on how it’s going and if you have any ideas on how I could do a community version (Commissions, freebies, or ????) then please let me know.

1/10/17 Taev is done! : D Going to start Amatus or Ashen next. Image:

1/3/17 – Taev is about half done. WIP Image:

12/30/16 – Started a painting of Taev and decided to do all of my babys. : p
Taev is my most well know Toon as a cell shaded piece of her was in Community Showcase Live :: June 2016 Episode.


I do Commissions of Player Characters! Contact me via:
Dawnpainterz @ DeviantART or
Dawnpainterz @ Gmail

(edited by DawnSketch.7105)

Huge Toon Collection Painting[ WIP 1/10/17]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

That’s a great start! I look forward to seeing more and you complete the images. It’s a big project, but I think it’ll be wonderful when you finish it up. (You should frame it as a family portrait!)

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Huge Toon Collection Painting[ WIP 1/10/17]

in Community Creations

Posted by: DawnSketch.7105


Thank you Gaile!
I do want to frame the final piece if I can find a good place near by to print the paintings.

I do Commissions of Player Characters! Contact me via:
Dawnpainterz @ DeviantART or
Dawnpainterz @ Gmail

Huge Toon Collection Painting[ WIP 1/10/17]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Saurrec.6402


Oh wow you are good. I like the style.

A physical disability hasn’t stopped me from being a Polite, Helpful, & Badkitten player.

Huge Toon Collection Painting[ WIP 1/10/17]

in Community Creations

Posted by: DawnSketch.7105


Oh wow you are good. I like the style.

Thank you! : )

I do Commissions of Player Characters! Contact me via:
Dawnpainterz @ DeviantART or
Dawnpainterz @ Gmail