Icarus - Arena Net

Icarus - Arena Net

in Community Creations

Posted by: Thuperdan.2415


Dear ArenaNet and Players,

I have been a gamer for the greater portion of my life, pertaining primarily to MMORPGs as I find this genre to be the best type of game. You get to meet new people, explore an expansive world that (usually) continues to give new things to do and you have such a variety of things to do. Going along with this passion for the genre that has been growing for over 15 years I have been working on the design for an MMO for the past couple of years.

I am typically a very fast to learn new things, I however have tried and been unable to learn the programming languages which has caused me to be at a dead end for the design of the game I currently call “Icarus: Age of Immortality” below is a link taking you to the facebook page I launched today and urge players to like (or ArenaNet to contact me about, as I do not get replies when I contact you) to see if we can get this game created by a gamer with the gamers in mind for the design launched so we can all enjoy was it has to offer.

Thank you for your time,


Icarus - Arena Net

in Community Creations

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I have to give you credit for giving things a shot. I’m not sure your post will garner any results as far as Anet replying to you. They probably get people contacting them all the time with similar things. Also I think, “Icarus: Age of Immorality” is a catchier name and might get more attention.

Anyway, good luck in your ventures.

The Burninator

Icarus - Arena Net

in Community Creations

Posted by: Thuperdan.2415


Thank you, your input is greatly appreciated. Even if Anet doesn’t reply and players display their interest in the game, it is my hopes that some company (even a small one) will contact me after seeing the support for the page and ideas.

Fingers crossed!

Icarus - Arena Net

in Community Creations

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This has nothing to search here.
This part of the forum is for suggesting things for Guild Wars 2 and not for posting advertisings for a personal MMO projects that someone wants to get done by Anet that has nothing to do at all with Guild Wars 2.

This thread belongs into an other section. I’m sure, the Mods here will move it soon to the correct place.

By the way.. I didn’t found the descriptions interesting at all for my personal taste..
There stood absolutely nothing, that really tells anything about your concept….

Just only alot basic blah blah, but absolutely nothing what peopl really want to know about a game.

Whats the story. What happens in this game.
What can you play there. What for gameplay features are in the game and how do they functionize and so on ..

That are things that people want to know about a game and you said no single word about these things.
You talked basically on the whole page only about the “basic frame” of how you think how certain aspects of that game should have to work to make your game look more “unique” than all others. But no infos about the real interesting things.

However, you said there that you work over 2 years on this… so I’m sure you must have thought about of alot more of things and I guess you just haven’t put everything up yet of that onto that facebook page’t…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Icarus - Arena Net

in Community Creations

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


This has nothing to search here.
This part of the forum is for suggesting things for Guild Wars 2 and not for posting advertisings for a personal MMO projects that someone wants to get done by Anet that has nothing to do at all with Guild Wars 2.

This thread belongs into an other section. I’m sure, the Mods here will move it soon to the correct place.

By the way.. I didn’t found the descriptions interesting at all for my personal taste..
There stood absolutely nothing, that really tells anything about your concept….

Just only alot basic blah blah, but absolutely nothing what peopl really want to know about a game.

Whats the story. What happens in this game.
What can you play there. What for gameplay features are in the game and how do they functionize and so on ..

That are things that people want to know about a game and you said no single word about these things.
You talked basically on the whole page only about the “basic frame” of how you think how certain aspects of that game should have to work to make your game look more “unique” than all others. But no infos about the real interesting things.

However, you said there that you work over 2 years on this… so I’m sure you must have thought about of alot more of things and I guess you just haven’t put everything up yet of that onto that facebook page’t…

I couldn’t agree more!
This sounds like nothing more than shameless self-promotion from his part, even if he’s all “nice and educated.”

I’m reporting this as spam. Its on the wrong section and it has nothing to do with GW2, even if his intentions are good. Next thing you know, you have hundreds of other people posting their personal projects all over this forum!
I’m sure there must be some sort of blogs or special websites for this kind of thing, but this ain’t one of those. Sorry.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Icarus - Arena Net

in Community Creations

Posted by: Thuperdan.2415


I understand what you are both saying, however it is a suggestion that ArenaNet contact me. Which would belong in the suggestion section of the forum. As for the details you are both requesting, without a company backing the project it has been advised to me from several people that have had experience in similar situations not to post details as it’s the internet and ideas are easily taken.

The page is a basic overview so that players and companies can see what I have done (from stating things such as the description of the amount of spells/skills and craftable weapons) so that no ideas may be taken from a company up and running which would essentially lead to “Icarus clones” before Icarus is even up and running.

Icarus - Arena Net

in Community Creations

Posted by: Applol.6819


I would suggest gathering a pre-development team of artists and programmers to create a short demo you can present for financial backing. If you’re really worried about people taking your ideas, make the people on your team sign an NDA. Unfortunately, you’ll have to contact companies to publish your game rather than the other way around. But, I wish you the best of luck! Making an MMORPG is hard, but it’ll be a lot easier with funding.