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Posted by: Elloa.5241


Hello everyone!

Do you know, the social network for gamers? No? Then watch the trailer and continue your reading after that., Welcome home gamer! is a social network growing and growing everyday. It’s develloped by a team of passionated gamer, and helped by dedicated users.
Many big names or fansite have already joined Anook, like for example GW2Guru.

It aim to gather in one place the gaming community often shattered everywhere, offering the possibilities to users to find relevant informations, post and videos about the game they like, and give users the possibilities to easily share their own work: blog, livestream, videos, screenshots. It’s also a great place to get aquainted with like minded people and speak about our favourite subject: the games we love!

Hope to see you soon on Anook!

Elloa, Sylvari Mesmer [MIST] Streaming most evening on TwichTV:

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Posted by: Hals Warrior.9863

Hals Warrior.9863

I’ve been a member for a while! Might start getting into again!
I think I might have even been in the first 10 to be honest…

“It’s easy when you know how.”

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Posted by: Elloa.5241


It has evolved a lot since last year. So much people now!

Though some game really deserve more love. Not all communities are present. Which is why I try to spread the word as much as possible. This trailer had been made with that sole use: make understand to gamers that Anook is THE place where to be.

Elloa, Sylvari Mesmer [MIST] Streaming most evening on TwichTV:

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Posted by: JawDane.1432


Anook is wonderful community I would recommend every viewer of the thread to check it out! Facebook for Gamers! Also a good way to grow your blogs, vlogs etc.

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Posted by: koroshi.2658


They were sending bots/humans to streams in gw2 with the same sentence constantly have you heared about blabla, had to ban them. Just for that reason will never use it.

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Posted by: Elloa.5241


Maybe a Anook user that really wanted followers have done that, but never the devellopper/moderator team in charge would do something ridicule like that. Only gold sellers and attention seekers does such things! Think about it a moment...

Elloa, Sylvari Mesmer [MIST] Streaming most evening on TwichTV: