Join GW2 community on
I’ve been a member for a while! Might start getting into again!
I think I might have even been in the first 10 to be honest…
It has evolved a lot since last year. So much people now!
Though some game really deserve more love. Not all communities are present. Which is why I try to spread the word as much as possible. This trailer had been made with that sole use: make understand to gamers that Anook is THE place where to be.
Anook is wonderful community I would recommend every viewer of the thread to check it out! Facebook for Gamers! Also a good way to grow your blogs, vlogs etc.
They were sending bots/humans to streams in gw2 with the same sentence constantly have you heared about blabla, had to ban them. Just for that reason will never use it.
Maybe a Anook user that really wanted followers have done that, but never the devellopper/moderator team in charge would do something ridicule like that. Only gold sellers and attention seekers does such things! Think about it a moment...