Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Just wanted to share the results of the polls I did on MMORPG.com.

The First was a week after launch. Still a lot of hating going on at that time.
The question was: How would you rate the GW2 launch?

results of 493 responding:

1 – 6.7%
2 – 2.2%
3 – 2.4%
4 – 3.0%
5 – 6.1%
6 – 4.9%
7 – 11.4%
8 – 27.4%
9 – 22.7%
10 – 13.2%

I then posted one on Sept. 28th

The question was: How do you like GW2 as it stands today?

653 responded with these results:

1 – 4.1%
2 – 1.1%
3 – 3.2%
4 – 3.2%
5 – 7.2%
6 – 6.7%
7 – 14.2%
8 – 20.8%
9 – 24.3%
10 – 15.0%

As you can see a lot of the haters seemed to have melted away. Note the drop in the responses for 1 and 2. I know this was an unofficial poll. But it does give a picture of the change in attitude a lot of the people are having about the game now that they actually see how it is.

A lot of folks including myself said it was not a revolution but an evolution in MMOs. Now I think they are actually getting to realize this.

By the way thanks for those that took the time to go to MMORPG and answer the poll. Again I was unaware you had to establish an account with them to vote, which I think is lame.

I must also note. In all the years I have been looking at MMORPG.com I have never known them to make a guild for a MMO. That is until this one.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


But its all subjective. You can label out the individuals giving GW2 a low score as ‘haters’, but its not like those giving it 10/10 are any better.

Is the game perfect enough to obtain a 10/10?
For the record, I would have voted 7/8 depending on mood ^^


Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I voted an 8 myself the first time due to account issues and no TP at launch.
I gave it a 9 now. It ain’t perfect, but its better then what else is out there.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: daoc.5087


I would give it 10/10. You can call me a fanboy but this is the best MMO i have played in many years.

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: kKagari.6804


At launch I’d give it an 8 (amongst the better games of my collection). With recent events I’d give it a 6 (subpar and lacks polish).

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: Warheart.8143


You got more positive poll numbers later on because the “haters” quit the game already. I’m already slightly bored with the game after 1 month. The last MMo SWTOR I had fun with for at least 3 months.

All Diminshing Returns and Faceroll ezmode Dungeons in this game aren’t exactly blowing my skirt up. I do like the combat system though with the weapon swap skill sets so ill give it a 6.5

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: ounkeo.9138


there’s a good chance the “haters” left; at least some of them. Disliking certain things about a game doesn’t make anyone a hater. Did I even need to point that out?

As for myself, I’d give the launch an 8/10. Very good launch but TP was down for weeks and a number of things I consider to be incomplete.

Today, I’d rate it at a 4/10.

Too many broken events in zone after zone after zone. Only 1 viable 80 zone. Advertised revolution in gaming never happened and it’s still the same old grind by any other name. Diminishing returns severely cripple the game experience for levell 80s and peculiarities like the “content not available” thing as well as the chat block “feature”.

It has and still has potential to be a really good game but right now, the bugs are hampering it as well as Anet itself hampering their own game with too heavy-handed decision making. The bugs can be fixed over time. The mindset, however, is something that simply isn’t likely to change.

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


More people responded to the second poll than the first one…so saying the results are more positive because people left is kind of silly. Looks like more people arrived, and are rating the game higher as they get to play it.

I gave the game a 9 on both polls. No game is perfect, but this game design and execution is the best in a long time.

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


You know Smackjack and Waar. I have to agree with you. I have read more then once where someone made uninformed statements that they insisted were fact and refused to research. But then I have ran into a few here that don’t know how to research either.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: VendettaDFA.9368


I gave this game a 10 on a metacritic user review after playing the headstart and a few days of actual release. I wont discuss perfection as I feel a 10 represents the best offer of a genre and not that the game is flawless,because no game is. At present I would still easily rate this game a 9.8 due to the amount of time I still spend in this game compared to any other I have. It is an evolution of the MMO and the best one I have played.

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


A note about haters: they will leave a game quick if they dislike it, but they tend to linger in forums to share their unhappiness. They don’t leave a game forum for a game they hate. They stay and they spread the word.

As for the poll, I don’t give it too much weight. It’s MMORPG.com, which is all about scoring points off the other guy and little to do with rational discourse. And I don’t trust the opinions of anyone who’s too heavily invested in the subject, positively or negatively. One thing I learned about GW2, despite its “let’s all get along” philosophy, it tends to evoke the most divisive reactions amongst gamers.

Just an FYI of the polls I did on MMORPG.com

in Community Creations

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


A note about haters: they will leave a game quick if they dislike it, but they tend to linger in forums to share their unhappiness. They don’t leave a game forum for a game they hate. They stay and they spread the word.

As for the poll, I don’t give it too much weight. It’s MMORPG.com, which is all about scoring points off the other guy and little to do with rational discourse. And I don’t trust the opinions of anyone who’s too heavily invested in the subject, positively or negatively. One thing I learned about GW2, despite its “let’s all get along” philosophy, it tends to evoke the most divisive reactions amongst gamers.

In forums I’ll give you that. It has seem to polarize a lot of people.

In game though. I see a lot of folks helping others out not just in area events but when the are having problems fighting some regular mobs. Like they are dead or in a downed state. I see a lot of folks coming to their aid.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred