Lore Created: The Legendary Sword Eternity

Lore Created: The Legendary Sword Eternity

in Community Creations

Posted by: Nusku.3941


Hi guys, I felt like legendaries didn’t feel legendary without a good lore to go along with them. So I made a legendary story to go along with it! Check out the notes on the wiki page to read it, I hope you guys like it!

All feedback, negative and positive is welcome! ^~^

Lore Created: The Legendary Sword Eternity

in Community Creations

Posted by: Nusku.3941


Blast, they keep removing it, here it is:
The story of eternity begins with the King of all Astral Gods, Yor-Kyron, who was the most righteous ruler of all Astral Gods within the kingdom of Oseron. Millions of years before 0 AE, Yor-Kyron’s Kingdom fell under siege by mysterious forces of shadows.These swarms of shadow, came to be known as the Naserthans by the Astral Gods of Oseron, and they were determined to try and penetrate into the universe in an effort to consume the very galaxies that Yor-Kyron was the keeper of.

The Astral Gods fought valiantly to the end in a massive upscale war that lasted for a few days. Swarms of these shadowy figures never heard of before, that appeared from the dark void within the universe, proved to be challenging for the gods to defeat as each day the waves became stronger and began learning every one of the Astral God’s battle tactics. One day, Yor-Kyron knew if he kept the war going, Oseron would fall, It was at this time Yor-Kyron knew he had to create a weapon capable of destroying the Narsethans. So he called upon the two commanders in charge of keeping the balance within the universe to forge him a mighty weapon infused with their powers.

The Astral God that forged the first half of the blade known as Sunrise in Tyria, Nusku, was the caretaker of all stars, and provided all stars with unspeakable energies. The Astral God that forged the second half of the blade known as Twilight in Tyria, Aron-Kor, was the keeper of balance within the planets and their respective stars making sure that nothing would fall into chaos from all cosmic energies. Together they imbued their powers into the creation of the weapon, sacrificing their entities into it. Yor-Kyron picked up the blade and felt its power as he was filled with a fire all around his body. He ordered his adviser, to call all troops to a retreat, and he alone would charge into battle.

Yor-Kyron, infused with the power of the blade, would cleave foes in one fell swing that emitted a radiant energies vanquishing hordes of Naserthans along with each wave. Valiantly, Yor-Kyron cleaved past his enemies flying deeper into the nightmarish void that was engulfing Oseron. There, deep within the void, came about a giant Naserthan like none he has ever seen before, this one had claws and wings as big as the Acres of his kingdom, and a reptilian figure that seemed to look like a serpentine creature. “Come now, child of my enemy, I am Mirukurun, devourer of all that is and will be, I am the darkness that shadows all forms, the being to consume all universes!” Yor-Kyron had never seen something so vile and wicked, its roar would echo into the kingdom of Oseron and into the ears of all Astral Gods. Mirukurun then transformed into a figure similar to the humanoid appearance of the Astral Gods, and drew out a sword. Yor-Kyron did not expect Mirukurun to be able to strike him, but Mirukuruns sword pierced Yor-Kyron’s abdomen. With the wound spreading across his body, Yor-Kyron knew that his endeavor would end there within the cosmos that his kingdom belonged to.

The sword we now know as Eternity finally emitted a glow so powerful, he could feel a presence similar to his faithful commanders, a whisper came from it ‘Agnu, mata sorrioss de kuru,’ It was the incantation that Aron-Kor and Nusku taught him when he was a child, it was for a spell capable of stopping all time from moving forward, and he knew, that the only thing that can finish the incantation was his finishing of it. Knowing that he had to decide between the Universe and Oseron’s time continuum, he was ready to finish it. With the wound spreading into the upper part of his body, Yor-Kyron raised with all his might, the sword bestowed upon him, and finished the incantation that stopped all time surrounding the void and Oseron, everything including Mirukurun. With a blast so powerful, the sword leaped from Yor-Kyron’s still hands and flew deeper into a galaxy that emitted an energy so powerful that we now know as the Eternal Alchemy.

Lore Created: The Legendary Sword Eternity

in Community Creations

Posted by: Nusku.3941


Closer and closer the blade came with raging fury, and painting the sky orange within the atmosphere of Tyria and cutting deep into the waters of the small planet within what Tyria knows as the Strait of Malchor.

A few million of years later, a human woman that was the captain of an elite operations force of the Imperial Army of Orr, Padunas, had set sail to embark on a mission to investigate the disappearances of ships within the Straits of Malchor. Upon entering the the straits she saw the ruins of the ships penetrating the surface of the waters. There she heard a whisper in her mind uttering ‘Only the ones who prove to be virtuous and courageous may wield me…’ Padunas kept sailing for days without rest within strait, determined to find her objective. Some of her troops had already committed suicide by drowning themselves by choosing to drown within the ruins of the other ships. One night her ship was finally torn apart by a violent storm, that in the morning she awoke to find herself flowing in a slab of elder wood. There she decided that she too would finally give up, and decided to descend into the waters of the strait, acknowledging deep within all of the debris of ships that have sunk below. Deep within a faint glow was emitting between two large rocks, a glow that grew brighter as she approached it, eventually she swam with the last bit of strength she had in her weakened body to find Yor-Kyron’s sword. She touched the blade and immediately all flashbacks of what happened in Oseron and how it was created engulfed her mind in the form of a dream.

Padunas awoke in a bed, many months later after suffering from a coma and being found by a ship sent to look for hers. Quickly she asked if they found the sword, but her rescuers reported only seeing here but no sword. Eventually Padunas decided to quit her role as a soldier in order become a scholar within Orr’s Emporium of Magic, she decided to write scrolls on what she knew about the sword, but the High Wizard of Orr knew that its magic would prove too powerful for the likes of humans, therefore he cast a spell that killed Padunas when she was asleep in her bunker and stowed her scrolls deep within his keep. The scrolls contained all information about how the sword was to be made, and that its current owner was none other than the greedy Tyrian God, Zommoros…

The scrolls were kept locked away deep within the High Wizard’s castle until the year 1325 AE when the young heroes of Tyria embarked on their journey to Orr defeat the mighty Zhaitan.

Lore Created: The Legendary Sword Eternity

in Community Creations

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


I think, unless elements of Legendary stories are found in game, most lore behind them is up for interpretation. That’s probably why it keeps getting removed, it is your story, not a factual one, and placing it on the Eternity wiki is definitely not a good platform for it.

I, personally find it farfetched. It doesn’t even mention the Gatekeeper of Arah wielding Eternity.

The Flameseeker Prophecies, being one that, in-game, has real lore behind it.


(edited by Haleydawn.3764)

Lore Created: The Legendary Sword Eternity

in Community Creations

Posted by: OriOri.8724


The reason it keeps being removed is because it isn’t founded in game. You made it all up. Nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn’t be on the wiki, which is presented as information from the game.