Loving the Mesmer

Loving the Mesmer

in Community Creations

Posted by: sozbun.5123


Out of all the classes I have tried, I have to say that I like the Mesmer best so far. I love all the illusions and the ability to survive using this class. Very cool. It does take some skill to be good at though.

I created a small video review for those of you who would be interested


Loving the Mesmer

in Community Creations

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


I did not think I would care for the mesmer profession from what I initially read during GW2’s development but then I tried them in a beta test and I found the profession to be extremely fun and interesting.

I like how they play differently from the other professions (although from what I’ve seen that’s true for all professions) Still the mesmer has a very unique feel to them, I’m not sure I’ve encountered anything like them in other MMOs. It’s amusing being able to make instance crowd scenes in combat

Nice review, maybe it will get other people to try the profession. One typo on the blogpost text, you say phantasms have the same look but they appear different from clones.

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Loving the Mesmer

in Community Creations

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


thank you, i tried all classes except guardian and necro and mesmer felt the hardest to play in pve Q_Q

Are you Shpongled?