Mjolnir (Hammer)

Mjolnir (Hammer)

in Community Creations

Posted by: qTORNADOp.5407


Sorry if this is in the wrong area (new to these forums). I think Mjolnir could be made into a legendary hammer. if not 2nd generation hammer? I mean it has a slight lightning trail as it is and i know my opinion probably doesn’t matter much for so much effort but i am sure lots of people could really appreciate a second legendary hammer seeing as when i ask, not many people tend to like the Juggernaut’s effects/looks. i personally find there’s nothing wrong with The Juggernaut but a hammer with/with similar effects of bolt would be amazing and i think Mjolnir would be a perfect hammer to make into a legendary seeing as it already has the lightning trail and the crackle effect. Not to mention it’s a history in Norse Mythology! And also of course linked to Thor in many comics. Just curious what other people might think of this with their views/opinions?

Mjolnir (Hammer)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


Why would you want an existing skin as a new legendary? Just build it, it’s there.