[Music Album] Class Themes for all 10 classes
Wait… 0?
I put in $1.00 for the download. That may not seem a lot to you, guys, but I’m insanely poor, and struggling to get a job.
-Aegis Runestone-
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
Wait… 0?
I put in $1.00 for the download.
That may not seem a lot to you, guys, but I’m insanely poor, and struggling to get a job.
I don’t know about other people, but it surely means a lot to me. Thank you so very much for that! It made my day.
I wish you the best of luck in finding a new job, and I hope it will be one that you enjoy.
Seriously good. Like the Ranger & Engineer tracks.
(Not sure about that melody in the last track…)
If some of these had been submitted as a player generated resource for Shroud of the Avatar, for example, you would likely of had them included in the actual game by now.