My first short fan fiction Dagoo the Brave Quaggan

My first short fan fiction Dagoo the Brave Quaggan

in Community Creations

Posted by: Borodo.6270


Dagoo’s Adventure
By: Borodo

One day a Quaggan by the name of Dagoo was helping his fellow Quaggans harvest kelp for the baby Quaggans. “Coo how much longer does Quaggan have to do this?” Dagoo asked.

“Foo! Stop complaining, Quaggan will be done when Quaggan is done.” His village chief replied.

Suddenly a shell guard swam in! “The Krait are coming!” the guard cried!

Dagoo swam to his secret pile and unburied his spear. He was determined not to let the Krait near his village! Dagoo fought the krait without rage getting hold of him. One krait down, then another. He was as fast as a whirlpool! “Leave Quaggan alone!” He yelled!

Suddenly it was over. The village elders loved that he saved their village and word came that other Quaggans wanted him to defend their villages. Dagoo agreed and he started his adventure.

Mookamash was having major krait problems. Every night the Krait would swim in and kidnap a Quaggan. Dagoo figured the best way to find their lair was to get kidnapped himself! He hid in one of the Mookamash houses and fell asleep.

When Dagoo woke up he was in a Krait cave. He was horrified with what he saw! There was more Quaggans in cages. The ones out of the cages had eyes as white as egg shells. In the center of all those krait stood the most hideous one of them all. A krait blood witch! She was the one making those Quaggan into those, things. Dagoo broke the cage with his extremely strong flipper. He smacked into her and picked up her staff. “No more harming Quaggan!” he shouted as he snapped the staff.

When he broke that staff a massive power storm broke loose! He swam into a cage so he wouldn’t be sucked into the magical storm! He saw a spear that flew by and he grabbed it. He now had a weapon to destroy that witch and break her spell, which would set the Quaggans free!

As he ran to her she shot lightning out of her hands! “Die!” she hissed!

He dodged the lightning and rammed the spear into her eye! She exploded in a poof of dust! He then noticed something. The Quaggans eyes were returning to normal. “Thank you!” they cheered!

The village elders were thrilled at the amazing work he had done and rewarded him with a spear carved out of a tooth of the deep sea dragon! But sadly he had to leave their village and continue with the rest.

Y’know sometimes theres nothing better then Quaggans and Siege Golems!