New idea for guild improvement

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeSeG.6754


I was thinking about guilds in GW2 for some time and this is result.
Hope ArenaNet will like this but if not then maybe it will help for you guys to get better idea

My idea concerns guilds only.

1. Guild mansion.

Each guild can rent a residence which will be assigned to World where they bought it.
Switching world will block possibility to visit Guild Mansion.
Residence can be moved to different World but this operation cost a huge amount of gold(diamonds). (And extra for any extension).

Entrance to mansion is in any racial city or if guild have runing upgrade then from guild menu (any member can teleport to mansion for free).
Guild mansion is a special map with guild structures. Only guild members can access it.
After pucharse Guild need to pay month fee for ground in gold. They can skip payment if they will get enought points in WvW for their world.
Few types of mansion (just example):
- Wheat Fields Residence (Located in fields, middle nowhere. Long view, lot of food fields, few stone fields). To protect your mansion you need to build walls mostly.
- Cave Residence (Located in cave, tunnels. Not clear or long view. Few bigger caves, lot of stone fields, few food fields). To protect your mansion you need to build gates mostly.
- Lake residence (Located on island on middle of lake, few stone and food fields. Longe view.) To protect your mansion you need to build walls on island and boat posts mostly.
- Underwater Residence (Located under water, lot of sea food fields, no normal food fields, 1-2 stone fields). To protect your mansion you need to build gates and floating posts mostly.
Mansion level will allow guild to have more members, unlock fields,

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeSeG.6754


2. Mansion rooms and buildings:

a) private rooms
Each of guild members will have room in guild mansion where can store additonal stuff (ex. 40 slots). Member can use option on item in his storage “Deposit in guild room” if guild have this guild upgrade running. In masnion will be entrance (teleport) to private room.
Guild will have new role(representative members)o for only 3-5 members, they rooms will be avaiable and accessible for all members (representative).

(Other thought, maybe for achivemenents from history (if plaer got it) will be added as a souvenir in their room.)

b) Mansion specialistic bulidings (can be build in any mansion if there is space for it):
Related guild upgrade need to be running or room will be accesible but crafting work won’t be progresing.
Possibility to crafting better stuff customized by guild.
Fail creation are dependent to room level and amount of guild materials.
Items will buff character and they will add guild emblem as buff symbol after using it. Guild can sell crafted stuff for normal players.

Crafted items will be stored in building storage from where members can take them.

- Brewery:
Brawery can be used only by level 400(500) cook proffesion members or huntsman 500 lvl.
Brewery gives possibility to craft guild special drinks.

Drinks can be made from cooking materials gathered in current world + extra liquids (water, milk,xylem sap or other; earth or sea ) harvested and gathered in guild mansion.

Drink can contain all kind of buffs from cooking materials (spcific buff can’t be added again to drink) but you can mixed them:
-1st buff normal amount of materials
-2nd buff 20% extra materials
-3rd buff 30% extra materials.
and etc.

Or mixed with other guild materials to get extra special option.

- Workshop:
Similar as Brewery but different kind of buffs.

Can be used by members which have wep. , arm., leather, artificier, tailor or huntsman lvl 500.
To create oils and ointment crafting materials are needed + stone or wood from guild mansion.

-* Kitchen:*
Similar as Brewery but different kind of buffs.

Can be used by member with 400(500).
To create food the cooking materials are needed + food from guild mansion.

c) Crafting functionality:
- Crafting can be succeded or failed any time. Better level or room and better materials will lowerage possibility to fail but won’t assure the succes.
- To craft any type of item guild need to discover the recipe. Recipe will provide information about ingredients but without information about required amount. So guild need to establish their best recipe trying to create best quality and cheapest version .
Higher level of room will also provide possibility that amount will be lowerage (but not guarantee it). Or can allow to use lower level of material type but with slightly greater amount of it.

Crafting in those rooms are not similar to current crafting system. Guild can craft in one time (depend to room level) for example 5-50 items. But crafting will block the room (can’t be upgraded or destroyed) until crafting ends. Guild Master or guild memebr with proper role can cancel crafting which will unlock the room but all materials will be lost.
Crafting can take few hours (or even few days if lot of items with lot of buff willbe created).
For fast example 30 items with 1 buff will be created in 5 hours but 30 items with 2 buffs will be created in 5h 30% (~6,4h) and with 3 buff 6,4h40% etc…

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeSeG.6754


3. Mansion fields:
Objects can be build only on proper field so amount of field required by guild is very important. Building on field is cheaper than upgrading it. Fields are located in any place on map so guild also need to be cautious with picking and securing those places.
Those buildings are providing the guild materials. Materials are created automaticaly but guild can increase amount of those materials by upgrading bulding
Example of buildings:
- Quarry (rocks)
- Sawmill (wood)
- Greenhouse (food)
- Farm (Cows, sheeps, special kind of unsersea creatures)
- Mill, Well, Fish farm etc.

Guild need to have upgrade “hire workers” active to switch those buldings on. Otherwise those buildings won’t create resources. Level of this upgrade will provide more workers and increase creation speed.

Resources from fields can be gathered only by members with proper level and crafting type. They need to take resources from field to Guild resource storage room. Then those guild resources can be used in crafting.

Sometimes guild mansion can be attacked by raids of mobs. Information about it will be send by mails and proper event will be created in Guild Mansion world. Winning event will increase production for some time losing it can decrease production or even delevel or destroy structure.

4. Mansion defensive structures

Each map should have possibility to build defences by guild members. For example walls, gates, posts, nets etc. Those structres need to be built when Guild buying their mansion.
Mansion should be in center of the strongest defences. Fields or special rooms should be around mansion with possibility to secure/defend them.

4a)Guild quest
To build or repair structure guild member once for a day can get a building resources if he will do special guild quest. Those building resources can be used for any build/repair work on map. Member will get only part of resources (or nothing) if he have resources from previous quest. Each quest will give for player maksimum amount of resources which he can have.

4b) Posts. Post are special type of defensive structure because they will attack enemy. Post structure for example can be:
-Turret on ground, armored boat, underwater turret, submarine, air turret(turret with ballon :P). Those post shouldn’t have npc as a guards just automated objects.

4c) Traps. Traps can do harm or just block enemy. Traps for example:
-Foothold trap, resources trap, hole trap(enemy can escape it without messmer portal or need to teleport to start area), bombs(need to be hitted to explode).

4d) Siege structures can also be built by using building resources.

5. Normal objects, buidlings
Merachants, Traderer, crafting stations and asura gates to racial cities will be avaiable for memebrs from proper level of mansion. Upgrade your mansion to getthose NPC in your mansion.

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeSeG.6754


6.GvG (Guild vs Guild)

The best part. After 2 weeks your mansion will be automatically enabled in GvG.

1. The challenge
To attack different guild you have few possibilites (only guild master or representative member can do that):
- From guild menu in tab “Guild Mansions”, select required guild and press “Attack guild”.
- By selecting in pvp or pve any player from required guild and use action on him “Attack guild”.
- From guild menu in tab “Guild Mansions”, select “Revenge” on guild which attacked your guild. Option will be available only after defending attack from other guild.

Requesting challenge cost guild influennce.

In any time guild can cancel attack request but opposite guild still can use option “Revenge”.

Attack need to be planned so you need to provide specific date and hour for attack.

When you picked guild, time and date then you need to submit this challenge. Then 50% or more guild representatives need to accept this request before it will be official. All representatives will get a mail with information about duel and possibility to accept or refuse it.

- Guild by using diamonds can set/unset or change 18 hour window when they can be attacked. (in those 6 hours nothing in guild mansion will work so have this in mind, all crafts/upgrades will be paused).
- Guild by using diamonds can buy protection for week if they don’t have any challenge in this time already planned. (Mansion won’t be affected by this.)

Challenge created and accepted. All members from both guilds will get mail about this fight. Just who is attacking who and when.
From this point both sides have time to gather resources to attack/defend which will be available in attack. So be aware that if you will request attack in next day then your guild will have only day to gather building resources for attack. (and if you miss the quest then you will attack without resources).

On defender side in mansion appear special area to storage building resources. Member can put or take buliding resources from there.

On attacker side will appear special cart in mansion for this attack(will be marked, if you will have more request planned) from where members can put/take building resources.
Those resources will be available when chalenge will began. So plan your attack carefully, because if you will loose your building resources, then you will need to destroy defences with bare hands :P.

2. Special areas
Defending guild will have teleport in center of mansion.

On map will be more teleports but not available because attacking guild created their special gate which affected all Asura teleports and they won’t help you to reconfigure them in middle of fight so be glad that this in center works :P.

Guild member of attacking guild before attack must select 1 of few starting areas on map. Those places are around map so you can pick to attack from any side of map. This place won’t be provided for defenders and when attack will start then npc guards with gate keepers appears there. This place will have teleport only accessible for attacking guild. In middle of this area will be cart with extra resources gathered for constructions.

3. Win/Lose
If defender will be destroyed ( their mansion will be reached and guild lord will be killed) then fight will be over. Attacking guild will be ported to their mansion after small amount of time(so they can destroy some extra stuff). Defenders will be protected from any attack in next week.
If guild will defend (whole 1-2(?) hours) or defenders will reach and kill gate keepers then fight will end.

3b) Any destructions done in attack will be pernament. For example if walls are destroyed then they will need to be fixed after fight. If special buildings will be destroyed then they will be destoyed pernamently and guild need to build/upgrade them again. Same for mansion if mansion was been damaged for more than 30% then mansion level will be decreased. But keep in mind that attacking structures will take time which is limited.

4. Protection
Guild will be protected if they will be defeated by whole week. If guild will create challenge in this time then they will lose their protection. Protection won’t be removed if they will use action “Revenge”.
Protection can be bought from BLack Lion Trading Company and will protect mansion few days.

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeSeG.6754


5. Treasure
If guild will defend then they will get points for that and all resources which will left in cart can be used.

If guild will attack and win then they will have possibility to plunder guild storage and treasury also they get a points for that.
20% of gold from guild treasure. If there will be less than 500 gold then 5% of gold from each guild member and 20% from representatives and guild master. (Even if they not represents guild currently (left guild or not represent it after receving challenge mail won’t prevent this)).
10%of guild resources gathered in Guild Storage. All resources from field buildings.

6. Points
Guild at start will have 0 points after any win they will get points and if they will lose then they will lose points. Guild can’t have less then 0 points.
Guild will get 1 points for victory if other guild have same amount of points.
If difference beetwen guilds is bigger than 5 points then guild will get difference in points beetwen guilds divided properly, otherwise will get difference in points.
Winner gets points and losers will loss same amaount of points.

6a. Levelage
Guild can’t attack any guild which have -3 points less from them. Only “revenge” option allows to skip this rule. In this case winning will provide 1 point.

7. Sparing fight
Any guild from same world can chalenge other guild for a sparing. All rules are same as in normal challenge but damage done in attack will be fixed and defenders resources will be returned back to storage. Sparing won’t block challenge or will be blocked by challenge. If guild don’t want fight then they have a possibility to loose by default if nobody will be in mansion during attack at start (no influence lost).
Sparing costs both guilds only influence.

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeSeG.6754


What do you think about this idea? I think it will be nice to have something like this.

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: jayvux.4128


Should be in the GW2 discussion forum. You will more likely spark a constructive discussion there.

GM of Leaders [LEAD]
Server: Darkhaven (

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeSeG.6754


Is there a possibility to move this topic to different place (As jayvux suggest to Discusion forum)? Or I need to remove it and add again there?

New idea for guild improvement

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlackfoxKitsune.7480


Also did something on this, Guilds could use an alliances tab as well, where leaders can request an alliance with another guild leader. this would help the smaller guilds and even the bigger guilds.

IDEAS for A-net Dev team.

The Lonewolf Clan (LWC)
order of morrigan [Oom]