Well, we got a bit obsessed with decorating our guild hall. And then this happened. We used over 1700 clouds and various other decorations to create our Sky City! It’s a bit of a work in progress but the groundwork is laid.
It originally started out with our “Stairway to Heaven” and morphed into “How high is too high?” The statues of Dwayna and PvP are as high as you can go in the map. It’s roughly 28,600 feet from the top of the map to the Central Hollow Waypoint. Currently Mister’s working on a jump puzzle around the platforms!
Most of the placement, production and tedious hours were done by MisterSinfully and myself, MissSinfully. Generous contributions of clouds and materials by Gammapulse, Hex Blackthorne and more guildies!
We’d love any other ideas you have! We’re kind of low on clouds, so inventive is good!
We would love to also have the restriction of decorations in an area to be removed. As I’ve been told, it’s in place because it would inhibit other players’ frame rate to have so many decorations, which I don’t think is fair to the rest of us.
Screenshots from Lisith (MisterSinfully).