Painted Character Portraits
Queue update: Phoebe, Sulist, Joey, Ellony, Tolan, Crazylegsmurphy, Shinigami, Hero, Rexxar, Runa, Elwood, Moonlight, Outrag, Nighter, Cicada, Justdeifyme, Elisakr, Cicada, Justdeifyme, Vodac, Ashely, Mona, White, Rex, Orian, Calim
The queue is still closed for now until I clear this queue. I know that the wait is really long so thank you very much for your patience, and if you see your name coming up soon feel free to resend screenies if you updated your armor etc. Thank you!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
I’m next in line, so excited
Great work Duckgirl! How is work at kaboom games? (if i remember the game company you work for correctly)
Hi PlayerX! Thank you! It’s actually Boomzap, and it’s quite cool
Hi Duckgirl! Here are some screenies as requested. First up is the Mrs character, a norn mesmer whilst the second is my Charr Warrior. A dual portrait would be much appreciated. If there is anything more that you need let me know!
Tee hee, soooooooon.
ur name is duckgirl…i approve. good name.
and ur art is amazing, they are beautiful! id love my asura drawn but id honestly feel bad asking in the future since u have so much already lol very nice of u to draw all these. love it
Thanks again Jyl. Amazing artwork – I posted it on my facebook (credited, of course) and now I have friends browsing your DA and commenting on how awesome your work is.
Great drawings can’t wait for my turn
Hi PlayerX! Thank you! It’s actually Boomzap, and it’s quite cool
Nice I dream to eventually be working in the gaming industry. I don’t have any technical or artist ability, but I am sure good at working with people! I am glad to see a good artist living the life.
:3 so amazing ~!
This is literally the first time I’ve ever clicked on this forum and when I saw this thread I was blown away. This is exactly the type of art/portrait I’ve been thinking about since launch. As in “Wow, I wish I could draw an epic picture of my character like some of this fan art Anet posts on social media.” Well now I found you, so it’s okay I have trouble drawing stick figures! Seriously, amazing work.
I know you’ve stopped the queue, but I can wait however long with no problem and I’ve already bookmarked the thread so I can check back when you’re accepting for more again. Just wanted to pay compliments and say that you’ll have more ‘business’ from me for at least one of mine and my husband’s characters when you start it up again. Super impressed!
You really need to sign these!
By the gods….. they look amazing!!!!
Hey guys, thank you so much for your kind words! I’ve got an overload of RL work so it’s been quite slow making the portraits, so once again thank you everybody for your patience.
Cloudfire, I would love to in the future! And if I did’t have RL work to do, I’d keep accepting commissions really :x
Raghnu, I do! But my signature is tiny)
Cowrex, thank you very much!
No worries, please take your time. I’d rather wait an extra week than have a rushed portrait that’s not as detailed as it could have been in order to make deadlines. Quality over quantity. I am sure most feel the same. Real life comes first and foremost.
Doesn’t make me any less excited, however. The anticipation is a slow death most honorable. Geeeeeeeeee.
Yeah, you may have to up your prices if this keeps up!
Well, I’m saving this thread to bookmarks and waiting for the queue to open. Amazing work duckgirl!
This is really awesome. I’m just dropping by to commend you for your amazing & generous work for others. If there’s a highlight reel for the GW2 community, this thread would surely be on it.
So many kind words, thank you so much everyone! I feel really bad for the long wait, currently I’m working on requests from two months ago So again my apologies for the ridiculous wait, and my sincere thank you for all the kind words!
Queue Update:
Joey, Ellony, Tolan, Crazylegsmurphy, Shinigami, Hero, Rexxar, Runa, Elwood, Moonlight, Outrag, Nighter, Cicada, Justdeifyme, Elisakr, Cicada, Vodac, Ashely, Mona, White, Rex Hornswoggle, Lyssafaye Rose, Nebilim
(edited by duckgirl.8769)
Wait why am I two times in there. It’s great but I don’t have that kind of money to pay 2 portraits
Hello all,
I must once again apologize for the delay for those who have been waiting in queue for so long. I am caught at a bad time at my job – game development is known for weeks and weeks of crunching to meet deadlines, and that’s where I am now. I don’t want to produce poor quality work and disappoint all of you after you’ve waited so long, so please allow me to sort out my real life work for a week or two before I go back to making artworks for you. Again, my sincere apologies and hope you can wait just a little bit longer! ;(
dang these are beyond amazing :C i hope i am browsing trough here the next time commissions are open these are worth far more then you are ask for and i would love a piece of the action lol
No worries, completely understandable. I am familiar with the fury of deadlines, and I know the game industry can be even more heavy handed when it comes to such. The good news is there is no deadline here. Your prices are beyond fair, your work has an outstanding track record. No one (I would imagine) would dare complain to wait as long as it takes to get premium work. After all, the alternative is less than your best or no one gets anything as your career is first and foremost. These people seem very understand, and I moreso. Take all the time you need, I’m not going anywhere. You have been wonderful throughout, a real community heart. I am sure the rest would agree. Thank you.
Pretty much above, I’ll take care of everyone that thinks of complaining about that… So, where do I put my pistol?
Its all good! Take as much time as you need. The other two num-nucks in my group photo comission haven’t even gotten their armor together yet >_< So no rush ;P
Duckgirl, your inbox is full so I sent an in game message. I can resend by forum if you clear out room however.
I’m speechless (if you can believe it…) This is an amazing piece of work. It captures my character’s elementalist dual personalities of Fire and Frost so well. The masks are so detailed, and the eyes are haunting. I love the backdrop colors and the way the flame orbs light each side of the face. Worth EVERY GOLD PIECE. I can’t wait to keep watching this thread and seeing all the new pieces. I’m going to get this printed to a canvas, framed and hung in my study. Keep them coming. Anet needs to recognize this work.
Yea that one is super cool
First of all I would like to say that your art is unbelievable! I know that the look I want for my warrior’s portrait can only be captured by you!!! Every portrait you post proves it. I am willing to wait however long but I will go ahead and post the information and will let you know ingame I have posted on here. The first picture is the kind of pose I would like my warrior to be in and I know you do a lot above waist only so it works out because i would love for his face and his sword to be the main focus. I’d just like the appearance that he is in a seated position and leaning on the handle of the sword, but just showing his face/sword/chest/arms that are holding the sword. I may be making this sound confusing, if so i’m really sorry xD I love the way you use the black background so I was hoping you could use the sword, Cobalt, that I have pictured to light it up a bit with the blue flames. If you can’t add the blue flame that’s fine. I trust whatever you can whip up.
Hi Rapid!
Thank you! Right now I’m clearing the queue of ~25 characters that I still have, which means commissions won’t reopen in a couple of months, but do keep checking back as I’ll update this thread when it does
Thanks to you and everyone for the patience!
I love your artwork! I sent you a PM a moment ago asking about a commission request. Do you have a page on Deviantart as well?
Thank you very much for letting me know. I am willing to wait however long!
I just realized how ironic my last statement was due to my name lol.
A few months?! I was so ready to throw my gold at you for a mind blowing picture of my Asuran guard… I’ll be waiting! Keep up the amazing work!
Hi everyone! Just wanted to share my portrait painting of my guardian, Jillia Darkwrath
Also, I was wondering, does anyone know if it’s okay to open for art commissions for in-game gold? I’m a digital illustrator by profession, and I would love to be able to make a whole collection of portraits of the beautiful characters of the awesome players of Guild Wars 2.
Asuras don’t even have to be upper body portraits only, since they’re small
Ill pay you well i dont want to say 10g, bc you might take that as cheap? let me know what would be reasonable.— nothing over 100g tho! lol im helping a friend with his legendary so i need to spare some! if youre interested ill post the character and what not just quote me or send a message whatever you want! <3 i just need to get some screens- thats why i havent posted them.
As an artist myself I know how backed up and busy you can get, so take your time no rush and RL always comes first!
(edited by SnowHawk.3615)
Hey everyone! I’m slooowly crawling through the queue, thanks again for being very patient Life still very busy, but I am able to make one portrait a week
I am duckgirl722 on Deviantart; most of the portraits are already in a folder in my gallery there. Don’t laugh at my silly artworks from five years ago! lol <3
o.m.g. that last one is amazing!
Amazing work :o especially the wolf
Can’t wait for my turn ^.^ has to decide which armor to wear :x
Yea thanks again! I love the finished portrait
Your work is fantastic! If you’re ever free again I’d absolutely love to get a portrait done, I have the gold for it and I’ve been looking for someone good to do one or two of my characters.
Fantastic artwork! I’ll almost certainly be requesting a portrait at some point in the coming future.
nice one
Should I go left where nothing is right,
or right where nothing is left?