Peacemaker's Experiment

Peacemaker's Experiment

in Community Creations

Posted by: Outline.5019


Just a little concept doodle I made for a weapon. I played around with the idea of since there are weapons that can change stats, what about weapons that can change their weapon class instead? That’d be pretty rad, one weapon 5ever! What do you think?

Arena Net and Guild Wars 2 logo copyrighted by them of course.


Peacemaker's Experiment

in Community Creations

Posted by: Uden Reavstone.3426

Uden Reavstone.3426

Dude, I’m a fan of Red vs Blue, RWBY, and Final Fantasy, so of course I like weapons such as gunblades, nifles, shotgun gauntlets, grenade launching hammers, sniper rifle scythes, etc. Question is how would Anet would put sush things into the game. Also, I can’t tell, what weapons is yours supposed to be?

“Blue team for life.”
“They can’t see me. I can’t see them.”
Michael J. Caboose ~ RvB

Peacemaker's Experiment

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Super nice! I said “Whoa” out loud. Tell me about the dual weapons!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events