Photoshop oil paint screenshots [from Reddit]

Photoshop oil paint screenshots [from Reddit]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Defora.3694


I just saw these nice pictures on Reddit an thought to share them.

These are done with Photoshop CS6 Oil Paint filter. This is how you do it:
- Go to image -> adjustments -> vibrance
- Put vibrance up to 100
- Go to filter -> oil paint
- Put shine on 0

Orignial reddit post:

Note, these are not my pictures. There is more behind reddit link. Too bad I don’t have CS6 I would have created some too.


Necromancer | Elementalist | Mesmer | Thief || Gandara

Photoshop oil paint screenshots [from Reddit]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Autumn.5093


Thanks for sharing! I know what I’m spending my day doing...

Nova Arterius, Nex Level [NeX] Guild Leader
Tarnished Coast

Photoshop oil paint screenshots [from Reddit]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fsnowzombie.4352


are you serious thats all you have to do? o.o that looks waaay too cool lol

Photoshop oil paint screenshots [from Reddit]

in Community Creations

Posted by: lorewise.2643


For anyone interested in free programs that can do the same thing check out the following.

Paint.Net is the name of the program, and it’s awesome. It’s easy to use, and lacks some features found in premium programs but it still rocks.

GIMP is a wonderful substitute for programs like Adobe / Corral and best of all it works on Windows and Linux systems. There’s very little the pricy programs can do that GIMP can’t do, but GIMP has a steeper learning curve than programs like Paint.Net

Photoshop oil paint screenshots [from Reddit]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Puyt.2584


pretty nice this is my screenshot with the filter.


Photoshop oil paint screenshots [from Reddit]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Silverbleed.3169


What a great idea ^^ The screenshots look pretty cool.