

in Community Creations

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

I used to make signature pictures on my first MMO, its how I first got introduced to photoshop which I’m now studying profesionally as a carreer.
So I made a signature for my own main character as you can see in my signature.


in Community Creations

Posted by: Wididyth.3847


Hi ^^

I advise you to work a little bit more on the reflection and shadows =)
For instance you can try to put a mask on them and use gradient tool to make it becoming a bit translucent. Then you can try to use homothety and perspective tool to flatten shadows and create a light direction ^^
It would be more realistic, I think.
Like this :
(I also used the wave tool as if the floor were wet)

Dexterité [DEX] : : : Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Engi / War lv80.
“I found myself noob until I met someone who moves his character with his mice.”

(edited by Wididyth.3847)


in Community Creations

Posted by: Somnolentjack.3460


First thing I notice is the typeface. Why that ARMY stencil look? What message are you trying to convey with it? Also I notice that three of your characters are reddish-orange and one is blue. Why the color difference and why are they so segregated? Now that we’re talking about color, why is everything orange and blue? They compliment each other nicely but does everything need to be orange and blue? Maybe mix the background colors up, it could help your characters pop a little more, especially Mr. Blue who is really washed out.

I kind of mentioned earlier that your characters are segregated, orange on one side, blue on the other. I can understand the decision to group colors together, it makes sense from an organizational standpoint, but does it work in the composition? I feel like it’s very left heavy, not that that’s a bad thing, but you might want to try moving them around. Mix them up, push some back, move some up, make them all the same distance, etc.

One last criticism, watch out when you invert colors. Often it can look washed out or be too bright. Try playing around with your “curves” or “levels” on that layer. See what cool or not so cool colors you can bring out.

I think that you’re onto something that could be really awesome. I like the space backdrop and the reflective floor. You have some very unique characters, which could be show cased better, but you’re well on your way to doing that.

One final note. Always try to start a project like this on paper. I know it seems silly because you already have the characters and it seems like a matter of layering things together. While that is somewhat true, sketching an idea out in as many ways as you can think of really facilitates the photoshop process because you already know what you’re going to do! Drawing things before hand is ALWAYS helps and is a lesson that I didn’t learn for a while. Also, look at signatures you like, things that remind you or are related to what you want to do. Make an image board of things you find on the internet, it could really help you say “hey that’s cool how can I copy that or incorporate it into my work?!” Remember there are no original ideas. Take from others, as long as you give credit or make it your own in some way.

Really these are tips for design in general, not just signature design. Everything matters and everything counts. Don’t let technicality limit your imagination. You can learn everything and anything you want to know about Photoshop online.

Good luck, I look forward to seeing your finished product!