Post & Rate these Fan-Made Organizations.

Post & Rate these Fan-Made Organizations.

in Community Creations

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


I am sure many people here have excellent ideas on new organizations and groups in the GW2 universe. They can be both good and bad guys. I am very interested to hear them.

Please include 3 parts of your description:
1) Introduction – how would this organization gets introduced to the players?
2) Objectives and Beliefs – what is this group fighting for? What do that value?
3) Hidden agenda (optional) – This is the part that was hidden from the player until later on. This is the ultimate shocker of this group.

After reading each organization, feel free to rate them. When rating, please use the following 3 categories on a 1 to 10 scale:
1) Writing, Creativity and Originality– How good do you think this group is, in terms of design.
2) Lore friendliness – How well does this group fit into the existing GW2 universe.
3) Fitting into the game – Do you want this group to actually be in the game?

I will start. ^^

Group Name: Erinyes.
Known Members: Livia, Evennia, Anise, Abbania.
Leader: Unknown.

Queen Jennah and the players were fighting another powerful enemy (e.g. Minister Caudecus’ forces). The good guys were on the verge of defeat when 2 powerful mages appeared and, along with Anise, saved the queen. The enemies were forced to retreat.
The group introduced themselves as Erinyes. Anise admitted to being part of this organization, and formed a three-man team with Livia and Evennia. They said they are the secret guardians of humanity, with ensuring the survival of humanity as their sole purpose.

When questioned, Livia also admitted to being 300 years old. When ask if she used blood sacrifices as rumored, she simply smiled and said “Death and sacrifice are a part of human existence. The lives of many outweigh the few.” Logan Thackeray charged forward to attack the three, but stopped when Livia finished by saying “You yourself sacrificed Snaff for Queen Jennah. You should understand this more than anyone else here.”

The group said that, currently, having Queen Jennah as the leader of the humans is the best course of action. But they warned that if Queen Jennah ever does anything foolish to risk humanity, they will come for her too. When asked, they gave three examples: 1) Relying on Charrs for human’s defense. 2) Relying on technology for human’s defense. 3) Maintaining the ban on forbidden magic in the face of Elder Dragons.

Objectives and Beliefs:

1) Survival of humanity – The group started as loyal defenders of the Krytan throne. However over the years they changed their goal, especially after seeing the likes of Prince Edair fighting over the throne. They realize then that throne changes from person to person, good or bad, and hence its not a reliable pillar for the survival of humanity. Only centuries old mages like the Erinyes can defend humanity constantly, so they set out to become that pillar for humanity themselves.

They are firm believers in sacrificing the few for the survival of many.

2) Annihilate infighting of humans as quickly as they start – The unity of humans is very important. So its Erinyes’ goal to end any sort of infighting or civil war with lightning speed. They would pick a side that they deemed better for the future of humanity, and quickly destroy the fighting power of the other side.

3) Distrust of other races – Erinyes believes that humans should rely on themselves for survival, not other races. That is especially true for the Charr, which they think will resume their war against the humans as soon as the Elder Dragons are defeated. However they also believe that fate will play itself out without influence, so they are not outright hostile to the Charrs. They would sit back and wait until the Charrs actually attack humans.

4) View on technology and magic– Erinyes believes magic to be superior over technology in every way. Furthermore they believe it is humanity’s destiny to fully embrace magic; Magic and Body into one single being. Being forbidden magic users themselves, they would of course hope to lift the ban on these spells.


Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

Post & Rate these Fan-Made Organizations.

in Community Creations

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Hidden Agenda.
1) Project Angelos – The ultimate goal of the Erinyes is the Project Angelos: forming an army of human/god hybrid large enough to defend humanity forever against any threat. To understand this, one must read the background story:
During the war with Abaddon, many Kournan solders were turned into Margonite. Among those was a female soldier who was already pregnant. Not sure what would happen, she went into hiding. The Kournan army tried to hunt her down as a deserter but couldn’t find her.

She gave birth to a child, being the first Margonite to do so. The baby girl looks fully human on the outside. The mother named her Abbania (Abby for short) in memory of her beloved god. She eventually sneaks her child back to her husband at home, who wasn’t part of the war. She wrote him a letter explaining the situation. Being too ashamed of her looks as a Margonite, the mother went away and was not seen again since.

Moments before Abaddon fell, a very small part of his consciousness went looking for a host for the last bit of his existence. He got many followers, but he was too weak to enter any adult’s mind. Finally he found Abby, an innocent child, and enters into her. The weakened Abaddon soon lost himself, and he became one mind with Abby.
Abby is clearly magically gifted. A purple magic aura will often surround her. When she is happy, the aura would be warm to the touch. When she is sad, the aura would be cold as ice. When she is angry, the aura would be fiery hot. Still, her loving father brought her up to the best he can.

Her father noticed that her power was linked to her emotions. As a result, one of the first things her father taught her was to control her emotions. They would spend hours mediating and deep thinking. Eventually Abby mastered her emotions. To others, she became cold, logical and calculating. But because of her control, she went though school without anyone noticing that she was different (other than being quiet).

The second thing her father taught her was that she is human. Kourna after the war was a very rough place to be. After experiencing many things, he told her that being good and being evil is often purely based on opinion. But one thing is certain: A human must do what’s right for the longevity of humanity. All else will be justified.
Abby had a powerful connection with magic without her understand why. She often knows spells that no one else does. All the spells they taught in school were already known to her. Among her powers is the ability to imbue magic into others. She once imbued a Moa with her powers, and the Moa started using magic. That Moa became her pet. She can’t remember where she learnt these powers, but they just seem to come naturally for her. She also found herself stopped aging once she reached 20 years old.

There were a few times when people witnessed her powers. And each time her and her father would pack up and move to a different town.


Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

Post & Rate these Fan-Made Organizations.

in Community Creations

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Over 30 years passed, and his father lies dying. He handed Abby the letter from her mother, and explained the history to her. Before he passes he said “You are human, and will always be human, no matter what other people say. Never forget that. I love you.”

Abby would travel from town to town, to hide the fact that she never ages. Although beautiful, she rejected all her suitors because she cannot deal with losing a loved one again to aging.

Abby would stay in Kourna until 1135AE, when it felt to Palawa Joko. She used her imbued animals to fight against Joko’s forces. But the animals were limited, even with magic. With her village trapped, she asks the people if they wanted to live. When they all said yes, she imbued all of them with magic. Abby has never done this, since in the back of her head she knew this is a terrible thing to do to a human.

Purple magic grows with each of them, and they all transformed. And they fought back against the undead, powerful and magical like the Margonites of old. However they were nowhere near as powerfully as Abby, and they were eventually overran by Joko’s undead.

She was forced to escape to Kryta. It became clear to her that humans are weak, and needs protection. Margonites, as powerful as they are, is not enough. And the magic would disfigure them to the point that they are no longer human. Powers that are given externally will always be limited. To defend humanity, she would need an army of humans who are born just like her; born naturally with Abaddon’s power. She needs people who are born fully human and fully magical at the same time.

She started spying on the towns and bethels. Many women got unwanted pregnancy. She would target those that wanted an abortion and kidnap them. Then she imbued her magic into these mothers. Some mothers died in the process. Other would successfully give birth to a child. These children would grow into powerful beings that are stronger than Margonites. However they don’t have the foreknowledge of magic spells that Abby enjoyed, so she had to teach them. She called them Angels, and most of them see her as their queen.

Years later, Abby’s Angels and Margonites eventually grow into a small but elite force. Some Margonites started worshipping Abby as a god, which angered Abby a great deal. “I am a human! All Angels are humans! Only a human can love humanity enough to defend it!” No Margonite dared to repeat this again, although some Angels don’t really see themselves as humans.

Some Angels decided to leave the group and live with human sociality. Abby let them go, for “having free will is part of being human.” Some Angels married each other, and some married humans. The marriage with humans usually falls apart as soon as they found out that the Angels doesn’t age past 20. Some of them have off springs, and they are just as powerful as first generation Angels. It seems after the first generation, Abby’s infusing of the mother is no longer required.

Abby meet Livia and other Shining Blade mages by seemingly accident. In truth, Abby was drawn to the group by the Scepter of Orr, which emits magic that Abby cannot resist to approach. After some conversations, the two groups find many similarities in their thinking. And so they joined with each other. Livia and others do the field work, while Abby focused on strengthening the Angel army, to be deployed to save humanity when the time comes.

However, will the Angels truly become the defender of humanity that she had hoped? Or will they become mankind’s worst nightmare?

Erinyes’ stance on this remains the same. “Humans must rely on themselves, not other races, for survival.” For now, they view Angels as part of humanity. Although some members is already preparing for the worst.


Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

Post & Rate these Fan-Made Organizations.

in Community Creations

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


So did anyone read my organization? What’s your opinion on it? :P

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

Post & Rate these Fan-Made Organizations.

in Community Creations

Posted by: xXJonoDXx.3061


lol hahahahahahaha

Post & Rate these Fan-Made Organizations.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Edusd.7893


It really sucks when all you crave is a little feedback, and either get nothing, or trolls. I can see you spent a decent amount of time thinking this up, and it does sound interesting. I wonder though, about some of your character selections. However, I am no writer, and hardly feel qualified to critique your work. I do know of a certain guild that just loves to discuss [lore] and many are writers on the side. Perhaps try there if you don’t get the feedback you’re looking for here.