Post Your Guild Wars 2 Signatures
Those are really nice. How do you make such epic sigs?
O_o Holy awesome-sausage! Those are amazing. If I had any sigs to begin with, I wouldn’t post them after those!
Great work! Well done.
Here’s mine! Still working on it though.
Very nice signs
Here is one I made for someone that asked for one. Very simple
it would be amazing if someone put out a tut on how to make one
Thanks for the compliment! I used mainly the Adobe Master Suite CS5. I just got CS6 a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve barely have had time to play with it. I also used SWF Decompiler. Don’t think I’m missing another program.
Thanks ArchDuke!
Thanks for sharing! Ah see I should have done that and made an attachment.
Very cool! I love the background colors you chose.
Thanks for the compliment and thanks for sharing.
I think I had one video, about 20 minutes long that showed you how someone made a signature with motion from start to finish. He did use several premade templates though and 3 Anime pictures for the transitions. I’ll try to see if I can find it again and post it here later this week. It is sped up though since it took him quite a while. I wish there were more videos like that.
I didn’t want to make a new topic for this, so I added my own post. My signature should show up on the signature line. I made this with signator (google).
Edit: Oh well, it looks like image signatures aren’t allowed everywhere yet – here it is:
is werid how do put signature in to the forum… seems like they dont let us… it only come out as a link
can anyone help by giving us the right codeing?
The above signature is btw NOT me… im an Engineer and thats clearly an elementalist soo… :P
Some of the (quite alot) signatures ive made for other people
p.s. Very nice ones Ambrosia.. i usually make mine animated, but thats only because i want to hide how ugly they are when i make static ones
Also Janhyua… real img signatures arent allowed yet, to much lag and space could be used if to much people go for that so i think theyll wait with that till thy have everything figured out
(edited by Warmage Timeraider.5861)