Post your character Pic
Myyy character hasnt changed his looks in 44 levels. Here you go!
If they say that I’m a God, THAT’S WHAT I AM!
(edited by Tureilim.5209)
Norn Necro
Ooh. You look fancy.
If they say that I’m a God, THAT’S WHAT I AM!
The new Destiny’s Edge (I’m in the middle
:D haha that’s so cute. Look at you walkin all epic.
We are family. If you wish to take part feel free to message me. May our paths cross.
The new Destiny’s Edge (I’m in the middle
:D haha that’s so cute. Look at you walkin all epic.
The walking reminds me of Justice League the animated intro.
Just applied the dyes now ^_^ I opened up abunch of unidentified dyes that were taking up bank space. They are wintergreen and ocean respectively. My other dyes are burnished steel, cantaloup, frosting, freshen, and spring tide ^_^ I’ll be collecting more soon.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
My new thief since lower level characters get more jute than higher and I want to up my tailoring:
I’m the blonde guy in the front =) I know the color scheme says hunter more than thief, but I plan on my thief joining the Vigil and he will have their colors (my elementalist is in the Order of Wispers). I thought about giving my Asura Order of Wisper colors but he just looks really good as is (besides, blood red and black dyes would cost an arm and a leg -_- ) Besides, I like the natural greens and am fortunate enough to find dyes that work together =)
Blood red and black are more thief colors (and necromancers could get away with it too though deep purples and certain greens go well with them too), though thieves could basically get away with anything understated so long as it manages to match :) No hot pink and lime green for the thief.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
One with some editing from like lvl 30 and a second at about lvl 40.
Http:// –
I added an emerald dye and cherry I found on my thief. The cherry isn’t permanent and after taking the picture went back to posting what I put on him next.
His main colors:
Note how I’m fighting with the interface turned off ^_^
It’s not too usual of a practice for me but I like to see if a loot is worth keeping or not (like tossing out grays for a green weapon or dye, etc.)
Hey guys. This is Nymbus my Sylvari ranger on Crystal Desert. He’s hunting Sons of Svanir in the moonlit Shiverpeaks :-P
Stats: 80 Charr Guardian.
Name: Snarl Facechomper
Server: Crystal Desert
Dude that’s some sick armor! What is that?
Gardana – Underworld EU
“Cool guys(cats) don’t look at explosions”
-The Lonely Island
Kushiel, human ranger:
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
(edited by Kichwas.7152)
Apparently the BBCODE and textile code both fail for images here…
Makdea, norn mesmer:
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
System here refuses to let me put more than one attachment per post, but I see others have managed it… /shrug.
Binghi, Asura Guardian:
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
Here is a picture of my Necromancer!
Contact us on Facebook for info on how to be featured in a Guild Wars 2 video!
To post more than one photo I preview, and then it gives you another text box and browse button in addition to the first image path.
Http:// –
Here’s my Ranger
Kev McGev – Ranger PvE // Gladiator McGev – War PvE / WvW / PvP
Kuunavang Rising [KuRi] // Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
Caiden Merlinus of Tarnished Coast
Arbiter of The Silverhold Covenant
Creator of the Test of Purpose
My elementalist, somewhere around level 28 I believe.
My Asura elementalist ( I don’t like the shirt as it has a bare midsection) has cotton candy dye on most parts, front waist robe indigo, gloves and boots celestial, and the belt is ancient silver: