Q to Anet: Sale of custom painted figures ok?

Q to Anet: Sale of custom painted figures ok?

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlackChaos.1960


Hello there!

Recently I have the urge to get back to sculpting again, and since the majority of my followers loves charr, I was wondering if I should do ‘Charr Totems’, create a mold for them and offering custom painted casts of those figures for sale.
My question is though, would that be against the ToS or anything?
I don’t think I’d sell many of them, but I surely want to avoid getting in trouble.

Are handmodeled, cast and then custom painted charr figures okay to sell from arenanet’s side or not?

Hoping to get some official answers here, that’d be great!
Thanks a lot!

Q to Anet: Sale of custom painted figures ok?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

You should read the Content Terms of Use for information on the use of our IP (Intellectual Property), which of course includes art assets. Here’s that document: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-content-terms-of-use/

As you can see, creating something for your own personal use, or as a gift, is different that contemplating creating something to sell. I’m sure you can understand that allowing individuals or companies to sell merchandise without permission or licensing is not a reasonable thing for us to do. No matter the size or scale of such an endeavor, we need to carefully retain all rights to our own properties.

However, there is a possible outlet for your creativity! Check out the WeLoveFine Fan Forge: http://www.welovefine.com/feature/guild-wars-2-fan-forge-info.html You can submit your ideas for merchandise, and if it is selected (there’s a fan vote system which, in part, determines what is made) then you would earn a royalty on each piece sold.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Q to Anet: Sale of custom painted figures ok?

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlackChaos.1960


Thank you Gaile for the answer!
I understand that.