Screenshot Thread
Hair change and some elementalist skills:
Heres a couple of my favorites and more at
(edited by juggler.6219)
One of my favourite captures.
I have almost same picture, but I was sleeping (to hide my toon).
Also mega picture about all elementalist’s elements.
More dragons: Tequatl the Sunless, one of Zhaitan’s lieutenants and his champion.
Oh, a picture thread! I love pictures! My favorite so far is Fun’s Tricky defense of our Fun Tower.
It’s got a story, too. I like to add stories to go with the pictures! It’s in this Borlis Pass community thread.
The Not Amazing Broken Toaster – Tarnished Coast
[Fun] with Naked Mole Rats/No One Really Likes Us [Sad]
I could never come up with an appropriate title for this piece that I made. It consists of 4 different screenshots. One of each of the characters, the lower half of the background is from the inside of a waterfall in Lion’s Arch, and the upper half is a view of the starscape in Rata Sum.
Yay! A profile! I love character profiles.
But I’m not here to post mine. I made an amazing recruitment poster for my guild. My guild’s called Fun. So, it’s a Fun poster.
I don’t even care if it gets anyone to join. I’m just sharing because it’s hilarious!
The Not Amazing Broken Toaster – Tarnished Coast
[Fun] with Naked Mole Rats/No One Really Likes Us [Sad]
Arya of House Stark, on the run since the fall of Winterfell, sells her sword as she searches for surviving members of her noble family. She poses as a common boy, Arry Snow, and is accompanied by her menacing direwolf, Nymeria. Her band of fellow sellswords calls her “Arry Snowfall” after she once fell in combat under the weight of greatsword. She builds her strength and balance for the day when she will recover her father’s greatsword “Ice” and kill his executioners with it.
1) Fighting back Tequatl as a unit
2) Giving Chauncey some space after the battle died down
3) Clearing stragglers after the Maw
4) Eden making randoms feel awkward
Resident Thief
My favourite screen I ever made. It’s my desktop image and my FB header now. I wish I could put it everywhere.
I had too many screenshots to post on here, so I complied them all together into a video. I hope you guys enjoy!
I have several screenshots from the game that I love. However, this one makes me laugh!
Hey everyone! My brother and I made an album of our adventures. It would mean a lot to us if you could check it out, comment and share it around. It would be really cool if we could get featured by GW2 on Facebook or something Thanks guys!
I took some screenshots too and of course did some ps..>.<!
And i think this is one of the best that i did…so far..
[Resting atm :)]
Really nice pictures since my last visit. Keep them coming people.
Here are some thief action shots and couple of pictures from CM.
re posting this since Ive updated it quite a bit ^^
100 blades ftw
RainbowSyrup.4130: hard to tell which are new, but it is nice gallery.
Vesper.3176 Really nice action shot.
Couple of pictures from sylvari starting area / city. I have new necromancer so I have been playing that area now.
Amusing and somehow poignant: Three baby Asura after landing (almost literally) a big meal ol’ shark.
This is why i love Guild Wars 2, its a place where you can have fun and just hang out with friends. we found this place and we just stayed there for like an hour doing stupid en fun things.
This screenshot captures the essence of one of the funniest experiences I’ve ever had in a video game. I used a mystery tonic to turn into a bush, started dancing, and equipped a molotov kittentail to become a burning bush – then hilarity ensued.
Waiting for the rest of the team in wayfarers outside of the molten facilities dungeon with my mini priest of balthazar.
The Stonemouth Keep
Tarnished Coast
Took some screenshots inside the new guild puzzle that was added today
Aynmire and Canach (Lost Shore and Last Stand at Southsun)
Thief used the stone curse venom stuff on me which confused my warrior for a bit.