Shards of the Mists

Shards of the Mists

in Community Creations

Posted by: Swish.2463



This is just a writing exercise or challenge I put upon myself. These will be things written in the short span of a few hours in a single night or day. If you would like to share thoughts or whatever feel free. Updates may be slow.

Anyway – here’s Shards of the Mists

Let’s see how it unfolds.


“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Shards of the Mists

in Community Creations

Posted by: Swish.2463


Shard 7
~ String 5
“Once more,” The voice was haggard yet still resolute, “this time we strike from the south.”
The indigent reply followed as if almost on que, “We’ve already tried that you great oaf! I -”

“-swear, your historians must have taken more liberties with their childish scrawling than a Grawl…” She cut in and faded off.

The asura only had a handful of grating remarks and the whole group could now recite and finish them in their sleep. The glare he shot her was easily cowed by a smirk and a weary twirl of her sword.

Of course, they all knew that the short creature was right, but admitting it was always met by a long lecture about the importance of a culture or races ability to adapt a written language early on in its life span; or as Brojm put it, when “Tiny” was out of ear shot, “Asura gum mashing and flapping.”

“To be fair,” the low growl made all of them jump, “we had the most success that go, but perhaps this time we should try not to alert every guard in camp to our presence.” Her sour demeanor and the way her claws dug at the hilt of her daggers made it clear that her frustration was nearing a peak.

~String 6

Nightfall came upon the valley much like a scorned lover embraces its fellow. In the dusty tendrils of shadow the Six made their way through the yet lush side of the forest. They found that even the the Burn behind was unguarded, they were an easy target to pick from the ash and blackened stumps.

Brojm on point, the norns favorite place to be, was the first to arrive at the edge of the clearing. His bow in hand and axes at the ready he paused and counted, on his fingers, to allow the others time to move into position; numbers and math had never been his strong point, but Thalkk and Ely had given him the best “assumption” on the time it would take. Though he thought the little Asura a blowhard, Brojm respected and even liked Ely.

After he had gone through all of his fingers 3 times, he stepped into the clearing. His muscles taught like the string of his bow, this is what he lived for, “Oi!” He bellowed into the nights cold air, “Which of you dare to face the Blizzards Maw?!”

The ensuing explosion of sound and motion, recounted later as a landslide of scales and screams, were exactly what the rest of the group needed to rush the outpost unnoticed. The bonfire at its center, the target that glinted in each eye as the remaining 5 converged at the southern access.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Shards of the Mists

in Community Creations

Posted by: Swish.2463


“South, grab wobbles and let’s go!” came a sharp bark from Ely.

It was met with an indignant cry and a grunt as the large charr pounced upon the trailing asura, and, hosting him by the most convenient handhold (his ears) slung him over her shoulder. As much as South hated playing “pack mule” for the little rat, they’d need him once they reached the fireside; truthfully, through his squeals and protests about “sensitive ears” combined with flailing arms and twirling legs, she knew he wasn’t a happy camper either.

It was Ralos, who broke into the center first. His hammer carrying the momentum of his weight at a dead sprint found its first victim; the burning logs of the bonfire. The scattered and threw light and shadows along with embers amongst the tents here. They were not taking chances and he remembered the nasty surprise of the Primordial Ember all too clearly.

Ely arrived shortly after South, her blades held tightly as a blur of leafy green rocked past them all with a sharp crackle of lightning. They all fell into position as the tide outside of the camp realized it’s mistake; barely visible at its center was the flashing of axes and the occasional stray arrow, or reptilian body squirming as it sailed none to majestically through the air. Brojm was still on his feet and holding a lot of attention even as the outliers doubled back towards their chieftain.

The chieftain raised no cry, only his gnarled staff as he unfurled and braced for the assault. His eyes under a hood of scales held no hate or recognition for the warriors that stood before him; they never would, and never did. A soft hiss was his greeting, though, it always was.

“Now!” Came the bellow of the mesmer as she turned to cleave into the first of the returning Forgotten.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Shards of the Mists

in Community Creations

Posted by: Swish.2463


Shard 11
~String 14-1

Smooth tile greeted their feet once more, all except the norn, who found the relief of home with his lips and nose and the rest of his face as he lay sprawled at the base of the gate. A flop onto his side and a quick glance at the others caused a deep and guttural laughter to burst from his belly. The sight of them all back, and the little asura, face still twisted in the efforts of his magics, was like the musty warmth of his fathers finest ale in his gut.

It was South who gave in next, she never as able to explain it, but the Norns thunderous guffaws always got her going too. Her laugh was much more of a hearty chuckle with a growl mixed in, but Charr are always growling in some way, no matter the times. After her came the hearty cheers from both Ralos and Knurt as the armor clad human clapped the wispy Sylvari on his shoulder.

Ely maintained her composure up until the point where, with another clap on the shoulder, Knurt was sent reeling into Thalkk, sending the very grumpy Asura into a flailing rage of cursing and screaming as he struggled to push the “Foul Shrubbery” off of his tiny frame. She joined in their laughter and merry making as Brojm righted the Squirming asura whilst apologizing to the sapling.

In the end it was Thalkk that brought them back to their focus. Even though he hadn’t escaped the mirth without a smile himself, it was his sharp and light tone that cut through the noise. “Another,” his tone dripping sarcasm, like a Dolyak in a rain storm, “/successful/ excursion it would seem… Yet we still are no closer to discovering the key, or the source.”

Slowly he tottered to an about face, and gazed into the swirling iridescent nothingness. “Which one do we try next?”

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet