Guardian Paladin 2.5 Build,So We Are 80 Series “Weekly”
Guardian Berserker 3.0 Build
In most games looking for a group is easy but not in this game. The system sucks and it appears Arena Net seems a little resistant to fixing it as well. Well now you can use this site with the method I’m showing you. In most cases it takes 10-30 minutes to get a valid group.
Lfg Site=
Is this really a 4-and-a-half minute video telling people to use gw2lfg?
I… I think it is
Is this really a 4-and-a-half minute video telling people to use gw2lfg?
Ha! Was gonna say the same thing.
You can learn how to use this site by….I don’t know…going to it?
But thanks for getting the word out.
Also, it takes more like 2 mins to find a group using =)
The same guys who talk smack are the same ones if you look in their post trails. Are complaining about the lack of groups etc. I really don’t pay attention to the complainers. I just solve the complaint. Your saying hey look that’s simple if it that is so. Why is one the major complaints the lack of social grouping ability. Which means regardless of what you think is easy it’s not being done.
Boom post showing how showing how fast and doing it real time. So no one really has a excuse or lack of group beyond being plain lazy.
(edited by Silentstorm.7531)
no kitten i think your abit late to the party, altho an in game lfg is needed
I didn’t know about the site until I saw this post, so thanks for that.
The problem I noticed though within just a minute of browsing is that it’s full of requests for groups with the old holy trinity mindset. People are posting their profession / build, and are looking for specific professions / builds to group with.
Isn’t the point of GW2 to get away from that?
@Dino That is unfortunate that people are still doing that. But I have never had a group or person ask me to Tank Heal or Dps. You do have guys who feel need to throw the Trinity out there.
And the point of the vid is a lot of people don’t know or don’t even believe in the method. You can never just assume because your in the know everyone is. That is how elitism is born and spread. It’s never good for a game and kills them.
(edited by Silentstorm.7531)
Yeah, like look at this example:
“Experienced Zerk mesmer LFG p1 farm. Zerk warriors only please.”
Doesn’t sound very open and accepting, so I can’t see ANet implementing such a system in GW2.
In fact it’s probably undermining what they’ve been trying to build all along.
(edited by dinominator.9862)
People do that in every game sadly. If some class combo has a speed or mitigation advantage in a dungeon. It automatically becomes the farmer special. Death Knights and Paladins used to be that in WOW once upon a time.
Any kind of LFG system that doesn’t make the group for you is going to run into people wanting to min/max what they get in the group. And even the ones that do would get some leaders that votekick others for being the ‘wrong’ class/spec/whatever.
That really isn’t Anet’s problem or the gw2lfg site’s problem, that’s entirely on us as players.
I’m confused. How is going to this site and making a posting any different from going to Lion’s Arch and posting in map chat?
Because you can reach everyone on the site. Which is pretty much a lot of the population who needs a group. All your doing by spamming LA on your server is just getting your home server people. Who are actually in LA to see it. In the videos case I was in Orr farming the whole time never was even in LA. I popped on the site posted like you witnessed 15 minutes later in a group. Never stop farming and hanging out with people while doing so.
(edited by Silentstorm.7531)
Yes it is on the gaming populace. Really nothing can be done about that it’s a mentality forever burned into the culture sadly. Like you said unless the LFG force feeds people together that would never stop.
I’m confused. How is going to this site and making a posting any different from going to Lion’s Arch and posting in map chat?
/map chat is visible to people in Lion’s Arch on your server. And your request will be rapidly displaced by random chat about Quaggan backpacks and Guild recruiting. And someone who arrives five seconds after you’ve made your request will be unable to see it (unless you decide to annoy everyone by spamming). Assuming that it works, you’ll still have lost a bit of coin on waypoint fees.
GW2LFG is visible to people in every map on every server. Your post remains visible until you find your group, so you can put up a request and then just play the game while waiting for responses. Since it’s cross-server, you can ask to be invited to a dungeon which is currently contested on your server, bypassing the usual delay and event chain.
Granted no reason this cant be in game other then just avoiding the head ache. Because even though this is very smooth and needed. You will have the other side of people complaining about things easy mode and blah blah.
Useful thread, +1
Yeah, like look at this example:
“Experienced Zerk mesmer LFG p1 farm. Zerk warriors only please.
Doesn’t sound very open and accepting, so I can’t see ANet implementing such a system in GW2.
In fact it’s probably undermining what they’ve been trying to build all along.
So because some people want to do speed runs with specific builds they shouldn’t add any LFG system at all and just make it more difficult for everyone? I doubt that is really why they haven’t because that is a really bad reason not not add one.
This already happens in game anyway and its not really an issue. It not like everyone is doing this. Just run with a different group.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
GW2LFG is visible to people in every map on every server. Your post remains visible until you find your group, so you can put up a request and then just play the game while waiting for responses. Since it’s cross-server, you can ask to be invited to a dungeon which is currently contested on your server, bypassing the usual delay and event chain.
This. I didnt use gw2lfg for a while simply because I didnt think there were enough people on my server interested in running the dungeons I was looking for… so I didnt see the point.
That’s one piece of info that doesnt get brought up when people spout “use lfg site hurr durr”… the fact that your dungeon parties arent limited to just your server population. Anyone on any server can join.
The fact that Anet designed dungeons to operate with the possibility of multi server parties but never gave us a way to actually take advantage of that design is one of the stupider mistakes they continue to make every day I have to minimize the game to find a group.
The fact that Anet designed dungeons to operate with the possibility of multi server parties but never gave us a way to actually take advantage of that design is one of the stupider mistakes they continue to make every day I have to minimize the game to find a group.
Maybe it’s on purpose. If they leave players to self-organize in other ways, then no one can cry foul about unfair LFG practices in GW2 because GW2 doesn’t officially support it.
It’s unfortunate but when left to our own devices communities do their thing.
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