(edited by Rae.3815)
Sylvari sketch work! Colour version *update*
Beautiful work, I like the clean lines very much.
They definitely are reminiscent of Mucha, or at least I am guessing that was part of the art nouveau inspiration.
Will look much cleaner once I’m finally done. Well, I was running around the city, seeing all these flowers and shapes and swirls. I just got this feeling that style of art would sit very well for a Sylvari piece. It’s nice to do something different other then the typical gw2 style of art! As for Mucha, wish I could do mine as good as his! I did look to his work for inspiration too! It’s a style I haven’t drawn myself before but, one I have loved!
Colour done of one. Still working on the other. Been a while as I hurt my wrist for a while!
Ooh, looking good! Now that you mention it, they really do suit art nouveau brilliantly.